For many years, monolithic chips defined semiconductor innovation. New microprocessors defined new markets, as did new graphics processors, and cell-phone chips. Getting to the next node was the goal, and when the foundry shipped a working part victory was declared. As we know, this is changing. Semiconductor innovation is… Read More
TSMC Doubles Down on Semiconductor Packaging!
Last week TSMC announced the opening of an advanced backend fab for the expansion of the TSMC 3DFabric System Integration Technology. It’s a significant announcement as the chip packaging arms race with Intel and Samsung is heating up.
Fab 6 is TSMC’s first all-in-one advanced packaging and testing fab which is part of the… Read More
TSMC Clarified CAPEX and Revenue for 2023!
TSMC clarified CAPEX and revenue for 2023 last night at the Annual Shareholders Meeting. Last year TSMC guided up during this meeting but this year they guided down. CAPEX was guided down to the lower end of $36B-$32B. Revenue was guided down from low-single to mid-single digit so maybe down another percent or two. The TSMC Jan… Read More
Investing in a sustainable semiconductor future: Materials Matter
In 2020 TSMC established its Net Zero Project with a goal of net zero emissions by 2050. I remember wondering how could this possibly be done before 2050 or at all for that matter. After working with TSMC for 20+ years I have learned never to bet against them on any topic and green manufacturing is one of them, absolutely.
TSMC presented… Read More
TSMC 2023 North America Technology Symposium Overview Part 5
TSMC also covered manufacturing excellence. The TSMC “Trusted Foundry” tagline has many aspects to it, but manufacturing is a critical one. TSMC is the foundry capacity leader but there is a lot more to manufacturing as you will read here. Which brings us to the manufacturing accomplishments from the briefing:
… Read MoreTSMC 2023 North America Technology Symposium Overview Part 4
TSMC covered their specialty technologies in great detail. Specialty is what we inside the ecosystem used to call weird stuff meaning non-mainstream and fairly difficult to do on leading edge processes. Specialty technologies will play an even more important part of semiconductor design with the advent of chiplets where die… Read More
TSMC 2023 North America Technology Symposium Overview Part 3
TSMC’s 3DFabric initiative was a big focus at the symposium, as it should be. I remember when TSMC first went public with CoWos the semiconductor ecosystem, including yours truly, let out a collective sigh wondering why TSMC is venturing into the comparatively low margin world of packaging. Now we know why and it is absolutely… Read More
TSMC 2023 North America Technology Symposium Overview Part 2
The next topic I would like to cover is an update to the TSMC process node roadmap starting with N3. As predicted, N3 will be the most successful node in the TSMC FinFET family. The first version of N3 went into production at the end of last year (Apple) and will roll out with other customers in 2023. There is a reported record amount of … Read More
TSMC 2023 North America Technology Symposium Overview Part 1
The TSMC 2023 North America Technology Symposium happened today so I wanted to start writing about it as there is a lot to cover. I will do summaries and other bloggers will do more in-depth coverage on the technology side in the coming weeks. Having worked in the fabless semiconductor ecosystem the majority of my 40 year semiconductor… Read More
TSMC has spent a lot more money on 300mm than you think
Up until November of 2022, IC Knowledge LLC was an independent company and had become the world leader in cost and price modeling of semiconductors. In November 2022 TechInsights acquired IC Knowledge LLC and IC Knowledge LLC is now a TechInsights company.
For many years, IC Knowledge has published a database tracking all the 300mm… Read More