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Micron and Memory – Slamming on brakes after going off the cliff without skidmarks

Micron and Memory – Slamming on brakes after going off the cliff without skidmarks
by Robert Maire on 10-03-2022 at 10:00 am

Wiley Coyote Semiconductor Crash 2022 1

-Micron slams on the brakes of capacity & capex-
-But memory market is already over the cliff without skid marks
-It will likely take at least a year to sop up excess capacity
-Collateral impact on Samsung & others even more important

Micron hitting the brakes after memory market already impacts

Micron capped off an otherwise… Read More

Samsung Foundry Forum & SAFE™ Forum 2022

Samsung Foundry Forum & SAFE™ Forum 2022
by Daniel Nenni on 09-16-2022 at 6:00 am

SFF SAFE GLOBAL Banner 400 400

It has been an exciting time in the semiconductor industry and the excitement is far from over. Years 2022 and 2023 will be more challenging in many different ways and live activities have just begun. The cornerstones to the semiconductor industry are the foundries so I look forward to the live foundry events coming up in October,… Read More

Intel and the EUV Shortage

Intel and the EUV Shortage
by Scotten Jones on 04-13-2022 at 10:00 am


In my “The EUV Divide and Intel Foundry Services” article available here, I discussed the looming EUV shortage. Two days ago, Intel announced their first EUV tool installed at their new Fab 34 in Ireland is a tool they moved from Oregon. This is another indication of the scarcity of EUV tools.

I have been tracking EUV system production… Read More

The EUV Divide and Intel Foundry Services

The EUV Divide and Intel Foundry Services
by Scotten Jones on 03-23-2022 at 10:00 am

Intel IDM 2.0 Process Roadmap
The EUV Divide

I was recently updating an analysis I did last year that looked at EUV system supply and demand, while doing this I started thinking about Intel and their Fab portfolio.

If you look at Intel’s history as a microprocessor manufacturer, they are typically ramping up their newest process node (n), in volume production… Read More

Samsung Keynote at IEDM

Samsung Keynote at IEDM
by Scotten Jones on 01-27-2022 at 6:00 am

Samsung Keynote Figure 1

Kinam Kim is a longtime Samsung technologist who has published many excellent articles over the years. He is now the Chairman of Samsung Electronics, and he gave a very interesting keynote address at IEDM.

He began with some general observations:

The world is experiencing a transformation powered by semiconductors that has been… Read More

Ansys CEO Ajei Gopal’s Keynote on 3D-IC at Samsung SAFE Forum

Ansys CEO Ajei Gopal’s Keynote on 3D-IC at Samsung SAFE Forum
by Tom Simon on 12-09-2021 at 10:00 am

Ajei Gopal talks about 3D IC

System on chip (SoC) based design has long been recognized as a powerful method to offer product differentiation through higher performance and expanded functionality. Yet, it comes with a number of limitations, such as high cost of development.  Also, SoCs are monolithic, which can inhibit rapid adaptation in the face of changing… Read More

Foundry Fantasy- Deja Vu or IDM 2?

Foundry Fantasy- Deja Vu or IDM 2?
by Robert Maire on 03-26-2021 at 8:00 am

Foundry Profit 2020

– Intel announced 2 new fabs & New Foundry Services
– Not only do they want to catch TSMC they want to beat them
– It’s a very, very tall order for a company that hasn’t executed
– It will require more than a makeover to get to IDM 2.0

Intel not only wants to catch TSMC but beat them at their own Read More

No Intel and Samsung are not passing TSMC

No Intel and Samsung are not passing TSMC
by Scotten Jones on 12-02-2020 at 6:00 am


Seeking Alpha just published an article about Intel and Samsung passing TSMC for process leadership. The Intel part seems to be a theme with them, they have talked in the past about how Intel does bigger density improvements with each generation than the foundries but forget that the foundries are doing 5 nodes in the time it takes… Read More

Can Samsung Foundry Really Compete with TSMC?

Can Samsung Foundry Really Compete with TSMC?
by Daniel Nenni on 11-20-2020 at 6:00 am

Samsung TSMC 3nm Battle SemiWiki

The semiconductor foundry business has been front page news of late and for good reason, it’s an exciting time in the semiconductor industry and the foundries are where it all begins. Unfortunately, most of the “exciting” news has been overblown but this topic is of great interest, to me at least. Having been intimately involved… Read More

Smartphone Processor Trends and​ Process Differences down through 7nm

Smartphone Processor Trends and​ Process Differences down through 7nm
by Fred Chen on 08-30-2020 at 6:00 am

Transistor density process for Huawei and Apple

This comparison of smartphone processors from different companies and fab processes was originally going to be a post, but with the growing information content, I had to put it into an article. Here, due to information availability, Apple, Huawei, and Samsung Exynos processors will get the most coverage, but a few Qualcomm Snapdragon

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