Primarius 2B
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SEMICON West – Globalfoundries Update

SEMICON West – Globalfoundries Update
by Scotten Jones on 08-14-2016 at 12:00 pm

On Wednesday of SEMICON West I got to sit down with Gary Patton, CTO of GlobalFoundries and get an update on what has been going on with them.

Gary started the interview by pointing out that it has now been a year since the GlobalFoundries purchase of many of IBM’s semiconductor assets and they have hit every commitment they made.… Read More

Qualcomm is Back on Top of the SoC World!

Qualcomm is Back on Top of the SoC World!
by Daniel Nenni on 08-13-2016 at 7:00 am

In 2015 Qualcomm stunned the fabless semiconductor world with an unprecedented layoff. When I first heard about it the number was 5% but it kept growing and finally hit 15%. The big misstep here was, that after being the SoC leader starting in 2007 with the Snapdragon series of chips that powered the Smartphone revolution, QCOM did… Read More

Memory War Z: Samsung spins antidote to 3D XPoint

Memory War Z: Samsung spins antidote to 3D XPoint
by Don Dingee on 08-12-2016 at 4:00 pm

The 2016 edition of the Flash Memory Summit produced more than the usual amount of excitement. Samsung’s response to the Intel/Micron 3D XPoint challenge arrived in new slideware, indicating the war for next-generation SSDs is just starting. Who has the advantage?

We’d all like to think this is about creating a breakthrough technology,… Read More

TSMC and Pokemon Go!

TSMC and Pokemon Go!
by Daniel Nenni on 08-09-2016 at 4:00 pm

As Pokemon Go invades the world, let me give you a firsthand player’s description of the game and why the next generation of augmented reality apps will energize the fabless semiconductor ecosystem and greatly benefit TSMC.

While I am not a “gamer” per say, I am a technologist and am always looking for new semiconductor market drivers.… Read More

One transistor for the future of mmWave?

One transistor for the future of mmWave?
by Don Dingee on 08-03-2016 at 4:00 pm

We’ve heard recently from several sources that millimeter wave radios, once the exclusive realm of defense and satellite use, are now finding homes in applications such as automotive radar and 5G networks. Therein lies a significant opportunity for digital design: moving frequency conversion and filtering from the analog … Read More

SEMICON West – Harry Levinson and Mike Lercel Interview

SEMICON West – Harry Levinson and Mike Lercel Interview
by Scotten Jones on 08-02-2016 at 12:00 pm

On Tuesday morning at SEMICON I had the opportunity to sit down with Harry Levinson, Sr. Director of Technology Research and Sr. Fellow at Global Foundries and Michael Lercel, Director of Strategic Marketing at ASML to discuss the state of lithography.

I opened the discussion with a question about how we are going to address lithography… Read More

Why is AMD Stock Jumping?

Why is AMD Stock Jumping?
by Daniel Nenni on 07-30-2016 at 7:00 am

One of my favorite pastimes is listening to the quarterly investor calls of the leading semiconductor companies. I can then match up the talking points with the calls I do with Wall Street, the conferences I attend, and the other data points I have collected while working inside the fabless semiconductor ecosystem for more than … Read More

SEMICON West – Leti FDSOI and IOT, status and roadmap

SEMICON West – Leti FDSOI and IOT, status and roadmap
by Scotten Jones on 07-28-2016 at 7:00 am

On Tuesday, July 12th at SEMICON West I had an opportunity to sit down with Marie Semeria, the CEO of Leti and discuss the status and future of FDSOI. Leti pioneered FDSOI 15 years ago and has been the leading FDSOI research ever since.

Two years ago Leti and ST Micro demonstrated products on 28nm that are cost competitive with bulk technology.… Read More