Keysight webinar 800x100
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Samsung IEDM 2018 Keynote and the Foundry Business

Samsung IEDM 2018 Keynote and the Foundry Business
by Daniel Nenni on 12-06-2018 at 12:00 pm

IEDM is a premier semiconductor conference so it was certainly appropriate for Samsung to do the keynote since they are the largest and one of the most innovative semiconductor companies in the world, absolutely.

Samsung is also one of the more interesting semiconductor companies since they do it all: chip design, semiconductor… Read More

Intel Diversity Semiconductors

Intel Diversity Semiconductors
by Daniel Nenni on 11-12-2018 at 7:00 am

Growing up in a military family, mostly in California, I would consider my cultural diversity life experience to be more than most. I remember in the 1960s some older folks were chattering about a colored family moving into our neighborhood and they had a son my age. Imagine my excitement as a child in having a multicolored friend!… Read More

The Latest from Samsung Semiconductor

The Latest from Samsung Semiconductor
by Tom Dillinger on 10-29-2018 at 12:00 pm

Earlier this Spring, Samsung Foundry held a technology forum, describing their process roadmap and supporting ecosystem developments (link). Recently, the larger Samsung Semiconductor organization conducted a Tech Day at their campus in San Jose, presenting (and demo-ing) a broader set of products. The focus of the day was… Read More

Intel Q3 2018 Jibber Jabber

Intel Q3 2018 Jibber Jabber
by Daniel Nenni on 10-29-2018 at 7:00 am

This is what happens when you have a CFO acting as a semiconductor CEO, and Robert Holmes is a career CFO with zero semiconductor experience or education. Granted, no way did he write the opening statement, but it was full of jibber jabber anyway. The real disappointing jibber jabber was from our own Murthy Renduchintala on the status… Read More

Essential Analog IP for 7nm and 5nm at TSMC OIP

Essential Analog IP for 7nm and 5nm at TSMC OIP
by Tom Simon on 10-24-2018 at 7:00 am

When TSMC’s annual Open Innovation Platform Exposition takes place, you know it will be time to hear about designs starting on the most advanced nodes. This year we were hearing about 7nm and 5nm. These newer nodes present even more challenges than previous nodes due to many factors. Regardless of what kind of design you are undertaking… Read More

Webinar: ASIC and FPGA Functional Verification Study

Webinar: ASIC and FPGA Functional Verification Study
by Alex Tan on 10-23-2018 at 12:00 pm

ASIC or FPGA? Each design style has earned designers’ votes depending on the level of urgency, application complexity and funding of their assigned projects. While it is feasible to transition from ASIC to FPGA design or vice versa, such a move is usually done across project refresh instead of midcourse.

Both Xilinx and … Read More

TSMC Q3 2018 Earnings Call Discussion!

TSMC Q3 2018 Earnings Call Discussion!
by Daniel Nenni on 10-22-2018 at 7:00 am

The TSMC OIP Forum was very upbeat this year and now we know why. It wasn’t long ago that some media outlets and a competitor said 7nm would not be a popular node because it is too expensive blah blah blah. People inside the fabless semiconductor ecosystem however know otherwise. As I have said before, 7nm will be another strong node … Read More

TSMC and Synopsys are in the Cloud!

TSMC and Synopsys are in the Cloud!
by Daniel Nenni on 10-08-2018 at 7:00 am

EDA has been flirting with the cloud unsuccessfully for many years now and it really comes down to a familiar question: Who can afford to spend billions of dollars on data center security? Which is similar to the question that started the fabless transformation: Who can afford to spend billions of dollars on semiconductor manufacturing… Read More