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AMD and Intel Update with Xilinx

AMD and Intel Update with Xilinx
by Daniel Nenni on 11-06-2020 at 10:00 am

AMD Xilinx Acquisition

The AMD acquisition of Xilinx is certainly big news but as an insider looking at the media coverage I think there are a few more points to consider. While most of the coverage has been positive there will always be negatives and we can look at that as well.

Intel acquired Altera in 2015 for $16.7B at a 50% premium which was a major disruption… Read More

Leading Edge Foundry Wafer Prices

Leading Edge Foundry Wafer Prices
by Scotten Jones on 11-06-2020 at 6:00 am


I have seen several articles recently discussing foundry wafer selling prices for leading edge wafers, these articles all quote estimates from a paper by the Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET). The paper is available here.

My company IC Knowledge LLC is the world leader in cost and price modeling of semiconductors… Read More

Designing Smarter, not Smaller AI Chips with GLOBALFOUNDRIES

Designing Smarter, not Smaller AI Chips with GLOBALFOUNDRIES
by Mike Gianfagna on 11-02-2020 at 6:00 am

Designing Smarter not Smaller AI Chips with GLOBLFOUNDRIES

On October 20 at the Linley Fall Processor Conference, GLOBALFOUNDRIES made a compelling case for designing smarter, not smaller AI chips. The virtual conference was filled with presentations on the latest architectures and chips for all types of AI/ML applications. It was therefore a refreshing change of pace to hear the fab… Read More

Are TSMC and Intel Partnering in Arizona?

Are TSMC and Intel Partnering in Arizona?
by Daniel Nenni on 11-01-2020 at 10:00 am

TSMC Career Opporunitites

After months of back and forth TSMC finally announced plans to build a fab in Arizona. The announcement was not made in the press or on the most recent investor call but on LinkedIn. A sign of the times I guess but since they need to hire a bunch of semiconductor people it was more than appropriate.

“We’re delighted to catch up with you … Read More

Intel TSMC Update!

Intel TSMC Update!
by Daniel Nenni on 10-23-2020 at 10:00 am

Intel Bob Swan TSMC SemiWiki 1

Based on the Intel investor call yesterday here are some interesting comments Bob Swan made related to Intel outsourcing manufacturing and 7nm progress. Let’s start with the prepared statement:

Bob Swan: Over the last couple of years, we have been focused on three critical priorities; improving our execution to strengthen … Read More

The Most Interesting CEO in Semiconductors!

The Most Interesting CEO in Semiconductors!
by Daniel Nenni on 10-21-2020 at 6:00 am

GTC 2020 Lip Bu Tan

Hands down, without a doubt, the most interesting CEO in semiconductors is Lip-Bu Tan, founder of Walden Capitol and current CEO of Cadence Design Systems. If you want to talk about a man with a plan it’s Lip-Bu Tan.

Before we get into the fireside chat between Tom Caufield and Lip-Bu at the GTC 2020 Virtual event let’s do a quick biography:… Read More

Is Intel Losing its Memory?

Is Intel Losing its Memory?
by Robert Maire on 10-19-2020 at 12:00 pm

Intel SK Hynix NAND
  • It’s reported that Intel is selling its NAND ops to SK Hynix
  • Would likely get Intel out of a tough & distracting market
  • Is Intel abandoning China? Like Intel’s sale of XPoint to Micron

Getting out of NAND makes sense
The memory market is very tough, competitive and worst of all, very cyclical. Unless you have an iron… Read More

TSMC Sets the Stage for a Great 2021!

TSMC Sets the Stage for a Great 2021!
by Daniel Nenni on 10-16-2020 at 10:00 am

TSMC Revenue Analysis 2020

TSMC is the bellwether for not just the semiconductor industry but the worldwide economy. TSMC makes semiconductors, semiconductors are where electronics begin and electronics are the foundation of modern life, absolutely.

Apple is also a key economic indicator and as we all know Apple is a strategic partner of TSMC. The Apple… Read More

ASML is Strong Because TSMC is Hot!

ASML is Strong Because TSMC is Hot!
by Robert Maire on 10-15-2020 at 10:00 am

  • ASML has strong quarter lead by great Taiwan and EUV
  • EUV “crossed over” DUV as revenue leader- signaling new era
  • Taiwan doubles, China grows, Korea weaker, US further behind

ASML hits great numbers
ASML reported revenues of Euro 4B, with income of Euro 2.54EPS, both beating estimates handily. Ten EUV systems were … Read More

Three Things You Have Wrong About Intel!

Three Things You Have Wrong About Intel!
by Daniel Nenni on 10-09-2020 at 10:00 am

Three Things You Have Wrong About Intel

First let me tell you that I have nothing but respect for Intel. I grew up with them in Silicon Valley and have experienced firsthand their brilliance and the many contributions they have made to the semiconductor industry. In fact, I can easily say the semiconductor ecosystem would not be what it is today without Intel.

But no company… Read More