3dic banner 800x100
WP_Term Object
    [term_id] => 97
    [name] => Security
    [slug] => security
    [term_group] => 0
    [term_taxonomy_id] => 97
    [taxonomy] => category
    [description] => 
    [parent] => 0
    [count] => 296
    [filter] => raw
    [cat_ID] => 97
    [category_count] => 296
    [category_description] => 
    [cat_name] => Security
    [category_nicename] => security
    [category_parent] => 0
    [is_post] => 

Privacy – the Other Face of Security

Privacy – the Other Face of Security
by Bernard Murphy on 01-13-2016 at 7:00 am

Security gets a lot of tech press, privacy not so much. A lot of the problem is that while we each know intuitively what we mean by privacy, pinning down an actionable definition is surprisingly tricky, especially when we require that it not intrude in other ways on our rights. Privacy rights are not absolute (you don’t have … Read More

A System Spin on IoT Security

A System Spin on IoT Security
by Bernard Murphy on 01-04-2016 at 4:00 pm

A lot of progress has been made in infrastructure to secure edge nodes in the IoT and to secure communications between edge nodes and gateways, all of which is good and necessary to block manifest evil, but it’s never enough. Perfect security is and always will be an asymptotic goal, so there should always be room for new ideas. To a … Read More

PUF the Magic (IoT) Dragon

PUF the Magic (IoT) Dragon
by Bill Montgomery on 12-31-2015 at 7:00 am

Most people are familiar with Biometrics, the measurement of unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, and facial features, for the purpose of verifying human identity with a high level of certainty. The iris and even a person’s electrocardiogram (ECG) can be used as a secure biometric identifier.… Read More

HDCP 2.2, Root of Trust, Industry’s First SHA-3 Security IP from Synopsys

HDCP 2.2, Root of Trust, Industry’s First SHA-3 Security IP from Synopsys
by Eric Esteve on 12-23-2015 at 7:00 am

Did you know that by 2020 90% of cars will be connected to Internet? Great, but today, there are already more than 100 car models affected with security flaws (Source: theguardian.com, 2015). That 320 apps are installed on average smartphone device? It would be a complete success, but 43% of Android devices allow installation of… Read More

Security Coprocessor Marks a New Approach to Provisioning for IoT Edge Devices

Security Coprocessor Marks a New Approach to Provisioning for IoT Edge Devices
by Majeed Ahmad on 11-20-2015 at 12:00 pm

The advent of security coprocessor that offloads the provisioning task from the main MCU or MPU is bringing new possibilities for the Internet of Things (IoT) product developers to secure the edge device at lower cost and power points regardless of the scale.

Hardware engineers often like to say that there is now such thing as software… Read More

Last line of defense for IoT security

Last line of defense for IoT security
by Don Dingee on 08-27-2015 at 12:00 pm

If I grab 10 technologists and ask what are the most important issues surrounding the Internet of Things today, one of the popular answers will be “security.” If I then ask them what IoT security means, I probably get 10 different answers. Encryption. Transport protocols. Authentication. Keying. Firewalls. Secure boot. Over-the-air… Read More

IoT Security: Your Refrigerator Attacks!

IoT Security: Your Refrigerator Attacks!
by Paul McLellan on 04-15-2015 at 7:00 am

Every time I see a presentation on IoT the forecast for the number of devices in 2020 seems to go up by a few billion. But behind the hype there are clearly going to be a large number of devices on (and even in) our bodies, our homes and cars. Not to mention in factories and workplaces. IoT devices cover a wide spectrum. Realtors like to expand… Read More