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WP_Term Object
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    [name] => Xilinx
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    [count] => 114
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    [category_count] => 114
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    [cat_name] => Xilinx
    [category_nicename] => xilinx
    [category_parent] => 106
    [is_post] => 

Remember FPGA Memory

Remember FPGA Memory
by Luke Miller on 06-25-2013 at 3:10 pm

We must admit the excitement of the FinFETs and all that coupled with the enormous amount of DSPs and BRAMs in the FPGA world is very cool. They even have ARMs, and I highly recommend that they get Legs then they can run around and everything and fit in with the rest of us. Perhaps the Feds can grant them immigration status and they could… Read More


by Luke Miller on 06-09-2013 at 9:00 pm

I just don’t understand it? My kids love surprises but I have yet to find management that does, go figure but boy during a review they can really spring them on ya! What surprises me is the absurdness of my title, GPU vs. FPGA. FPGAs are not GPUs and likewise but none the less there is the push to make a fit where nature does not allow. I liken… Read More

Are there enough FPGA tools?

Are there enough FPGA tools?
by Luke Miller on 05-09-2013 at 9:00 pm

Sometimes I send my boy to grab me a tool and hours later he comes back with the wrong one. The patient man that I am, I calmly explain what I mean and then the world is right once more. Believe that do ya?

As you know the world is flooded with tools, tools and more tools. We all have our ruts and favorite flows and such but given the huge FPGA … Read More

Which is the best FPGA – Xilinx

Which is the best FPGA – Xilinx
by Luke Miller on 05-06-2013 at 10:00 am

Your corporate training will teach you there is no such thing as stereo types and they are bad, naughty. We all know they are true; it’s just some companies now of days try to force the worker bees to do a flash erase and drop your brain at the door. I never participated in that and as you can imagine it went very well. Dilbert is true…

I am … Read More

FPGAs – The Possibilities are Endless – Almost

FPGAs – The Possibilities are Endless – Almost
by Luke Miller on 04-26-2013 at 8:00 pm

Has your wife ever said “Your name, I’m not a computer”? Well maybe mine has. I know what you are thinking… This guy is married? Yup, I over achieved too. Have child #7 on the way Lord willing, so you probably guessed I don’t follow much of the world’s planning and such. Like you, no one in my house really understands what I do, nor cares … Read More


by Luke Miller on 04-21-2013 at 7:00 pm

Now Michael Bloomberg probably wouldn’t want FATLAB but let’s face it, to think like him you need a lot of education, alot. He may be banning 14nm because it will increase FPGAs densities and thus the consumer as well. Stay tuned. After some comments from my dear readers, one who said to watch it with respect to my harshness about… Read More

FPGAS – The New Single Board Computers?

FPGAS – The New Single Board Computers?
by Luke Miller on 04-16-2013 at 10:00 pm

I have always felt that FPGAs have been the red haired step child of Silicon Valley. Software weenies have hated them, they are mysterious and take too long to route. Even though they can be massively parallel and the most deterministic piece of silicon you can buy besides a million dollar ASIC, the GPU steals their glory, for now. … Read More

Xilinx: Hide the RTL

Xilinx: Hide the RTL
by Paul McLellan on 04-16-2013 at 7:30 pm

Tom Feist of Xilinx presented here at the GlobalPress Electronics Summit about their strategy to take design abstraction up another level. In the SoC world, we are still pretty much stuck at the RTL level and have moved to higher abstractions by using an IP strategy. But at least all IC designers are RTL-literate.

Xilinx, in the Vivado… Read More

Ivo Bolsens’ Keynote on the All-Programmable SoC

Ivo Bolsens’ Keynote on the All-Programmable SoC
by Paul McLellan on 04-13-2013 at 8:00 pm

Ivo Bolsens, the CTO of Xilinx, is giving the opening keynote at the Electronic Design Process Symposium (EDPS) in Monterey on Thursday and Friday this coming week. The title of his keynote is The All Programmable SoC – At the Heart of Next Generation Embedded Systems. He covers a lot of ground but the core of his presentation… Read More

How to make ESL really work – see EDPS

How to make ESL really work – see EDPS
by John Swan on 04-12-2013 at 6:53 pm

The Electronic Design Process Symposium (EDPS) is April 18 & 19 in Monterey. The workshop style Symposium is in its 20[SUP]th[/SUP] year. The first session is titled “ESL & Platforms”, which immediately follows the opening Keynote address by Ivo Bolsens, CTO of Xilinx.

In his keynote presentation Ivo will present how… Read More