On November 13, Cadence held its annual Photonics Summit. Cadence has been hosting this event for several years with the intention of advancing the photonics industry. With this event, Cadence has been a catalyst in furthering photonic product development. It’s quite remarkable that Cadence hosts such an event in a field where… Read More
Another Smart EDA Merger Adds RF Tools
Mergers and acquisitions are just a fact of modern business life, so the semiconductor, IP and EDA industries all can benefit, but only when the two companies have complementary products with some actual synergy. Cadence acquired OrCAD back in 1999, adding a Windows-based PCB tool to their product lineup, and here in 2019 some … Read More
Cadence Shows off 5LPE Hercules Implementation
In a joint presentation given by Samsung, Arm, and Cadence at the Arm TechCon event on October 9, 2019, Cadence showed some results and explained its collaboration project used to implement the new Arm Hercules CPU on Samsung’s advanced 5LPE process. I do not want to minimize the significance of Samsung’s and Arm’s participation… Read More
Cadence and Green Hills Share More Security Thoughts at ARM Techcon
On Wednesday, October 9, 2019, I had the pleasure of spending the day at ARM Techcon at the San Jose Convention Center. In the morning, in addition to getting some sneak peeks into the exhibitor area, I attended some of the morning keynote presentations, which focused on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) topics.… Read More
Cadence Celsius Heats Up 3D System-Level Electro-Thermal Modeling Market
A few years back people were saying that the “EDA” problem was solved and that design tools had become commodity. At the same time people hailed ADAS, smart homes, mobile communication and AI as the frontiers of electronics. Perhaps it could be said that layout tools, routers, placers, and circuit simulators had largely matured… Read More
Lint for Implementation
When I was at Atrenta, we took advantage of opportunities to expand our static tool (aka linting) first to clock domain crossing (CDC) analysis and DFT compatibility and later to static analysis of timing constraints, all of which have importance in implementation. CDC is commonly thought of as an RTL-centric analysis, however,… Read More
Virtuoso Adapts to Address Cyber Physical Systems
LIDAR is a controversial topic, with even Elon Musk weighing in on whether it will ever be feasible for use in self driving cars. His contention is that the sensors will remain too expensive and potentially be unreliable because of their mechanical complexity. However, each of the sensors available for autonomous driving have … Read More
#DAC56 – Optimizing Verification Throughput for Advanced Designs in a Connected World
It was the final day of DAC56 and my head was already spinning from information overload after meeting so many people and hearing so many presentations, but I knew that IC functional verification was a huge topic and looming bottleneck for many SoC design teams, so I made a last-minute email request to attend a luncheon panel discussion… Read More
SiP is the new SoC @ 56thDAC
The emergence of 3D packaging technology has been accompanied by the term “more than Moore”, to reflect the increase in areal circuit density at a rate that exceeds the traditional IC scaling pace associated with Moore’s Law. At the recent Design Automation Conference in Las Vegas, numerous exhibits on the vendor floor presented… Read More
Parallel SPICE Circuit Simulator Debuts
In EDA the most successful companies will often re-write their software tools in order to add new features, improve accuracy, increase capacity and of course, shorten run times. For SPICE circuit simulators we typically look at several factors to see if a new tool is worth a look or not:
- Netlist compatibility
- Model support
- Foundry