Webinar DFT 2025 banner mar11 (1)
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Chinese consumers in 2020 5 trends to watch

Chinese consumers in 2020 5 trends to watch
by Gordon Orr on 01-19-2020 at 6:00 am

Chinese consumers in 2020 5 trends to watch

My friends at McKinsey just released their annual look at the Chinese consumer. As always, they have interviewed thousands across China to draw out “what is different this year?” They start however from the key point that has not changed – that over the 2000s China has accounted for almost one third of the growth in global household… Read More

China in 2020: Lower profits, more bankruptcies, and new challenges doing business

China in 2020: Lower profits, more bankruptcies, and new challenges doing business
by Gordon Orr on 01-15-2020 at 6:00 am

China in 2020 Lower profits more bankruptcies and new challenges doing business

This is the fifth and final part of the series

For many industrial businesses, 2019 has been tough. Profits lower across the board – light and heavy industry, state-owned and private businesses. Labor costs rising while ex-factory prices are not. Access to debt restricted. The gap between high performers and laggards widened

Read More

The Tech Week that was January 6-10 2020

The Tech Week that was January 6-10 2020
by Mark Dyson on 01-13-2020 at 6:00 am

Semiconductor Weekly Summary

Happy New Year to everyone.. lets hope 2020 is a great year.. The indicators are all pointing in the right direction but it will not take much to derail it if external factors change. Here is my weekly summary of all the important news from the semiconductor industry around the world.

2020 is starting very differently from 2019 with… Read More

China in 2020: Navigating the new policy landscape

China in 2020: Navigating the new policy landscape
by Gordon Orr on 01-12-2020 at 6:00 am

China in 2020 Navigating the new policy landscape

This is the fourth of a five part series

Many companies saw 2019 as a year when more and more regulations piled on to them. CEOs who were the legal representative for their company in China got increasingly nervous as legal teams updated them on their personal responsibility under new regulations. Unfortunately for them, 2020 will… Read More

ASML EUV China Chip Equip Risk

ASML EUV China Chip Equip Risk
by Robert Maire on 01-10-2020 at 10:00 am

  • Is ASML first clandestine shot in US war on China chips?
  • Will the action extend further to other chip equip cos?
  • China chip cold conflict warming up?

It would appear from a Reuters report yesterday that a behind the scenes “cold war” between the US and China in the chip business has just been exposed and has the potential… Read More

China in 2020: Electric vehicles rebound, the rise of the Greater Bay Area

China in 2020: Electric vehicles rebound, the rise of the Greater Bay Area
by Gordon Orr on 01-07-2020 at 10:00 am

China in 2020 Electric vehicles rebound the rise of the Greater Bay Area

This is the third of a five part series

Vehicle manufacturers in China had a tough 2018 and 2019. The overall market fell 8 percent by volume in 2018 and another 3 percent in the year to October 2019. Looking forward, demand faces several headwinds. Anyone spending time in a major city realizes just how unpleasant the experience of … Read More

China in 2020: Theme parks, healthier eating, and the rise of the new Chinese consumer

China in 2020: Theme parks, healthier eating, and the rise of the new Chinese consumer
by Gordon Orr on 01-06-2020 at 6:00 am

China in 2020 Theme parks healthier eating and the rise of the new Chinese consumer

This is the second of a five part series

Consumer retail spending in the first 10 months of 2019 rose 8 percent year on year, ahead of income growth of roughly 6 percent. Over 10 million new jobs were created. With moderate house price growth and a positive year in domestic stock markets over the last year, the wealth impact on consumer… Read More

China in 2020: Trade, technology, and the path ahead for US-China relations

China in 2020: Trade, technology, and the path ahead for US-China relations
by Gordon Orr on 01-05-2020 at 6:00 am

China in 2020 Trade technology and the path ahead for US China relations

This is the first of a five part series

2019 in China brought together long running challenges, such as uncertainty over US-China tariff levels and ever more intrusive regulation of business in China, with a few unexpected ones as well: the crisis in Hong Kong and the flare up triggered by tweets from an NBA coach, to mention just two.… Read More

Semiconductor Review 2019 into 2020!

Semiconductor Review 2019 into 2020!
by Daniel Nenni on 01-03-2020 at 6:00 am

CES 2020

Semiconductors continue to surge and lead technology sectors all over the world. TSMC has always been my economic bellwether and 2019 was another great year as the TSM share price almost doubled. But it looks like the best is yet to come with TSMC significantly increasing CAPEX to cover 7nm and 5nm demand.

TSMC CEO C.C. Wei increased… Read More

TSMC, Huawei, the US Government, and China

TSMC, Huawei, the US Government, and China
by Daniel Nenni on 12-30-2019 at 6:00 am

Morris Chang TSMC

The media is trying to disparage the semiconductor industry again. It’s hard to not take this type of desperate journalism personal. Semiconductor people are the smartest and hardest working people in the world and we deserve better, absolutely.

TSMC founder sees trade dispute as ‘reality show with no script’Read More