How ST-Ericsson Improved DFM Closure using SmartFill

How ST-Ericsson Improved DFM Closure using SmartFill
by Daniel Payne on 10-07-2011 at 2:38 pm

DFM closure is a growing issue these days even at the 45nm node, and IC designers at ST-Ericsson have learned that transitioning from dummy fill to SmartFill has saved them time and improved their DFM score.

ST-Ericsson designed an SOC for mobile platforms called the U8500 and their foundry choice was a 45nm node at STMicroelectronicsRead More

Circuit Simulation and Ultra low-power IC Design at Toumaz

Circuit Simulation and Ultra low-power IC Design at Toumaz
by Daniel Payne on 10-06-2011 at 4:31 pm

I read about how Toumaz used the Analog Fast SPICE (AFS) tool from BDA and it sounded interesting so I setup a Skype call with Alan Wong in the UK last month to find out how they design their ultra low-power IC chips.


Q: Tell me about your IC design background.
A: I’ve been at Toumaz almost 8 years now and before that at Sony… Read More

Memory Cell Characterization with a Fast 3D Field Solver

Memory Cell Characterization with a Fast 3D Field Solver
by Daniel Payne on 09-29-2011 at 12:07 pm

Memory designers need to predict the timing, current and power of their designs with high accuracy before tape-out to ensure that all the design goals will be met. Extracting the parasitic values from the IC layout and then running circuit simulation is a trusted methodology however the accuracy of the results ultimately depend… Read More

Analog IP Design at Moortec

Analog IP Design at Moortec
by Daniel Payne on 09-28-2011 at 12:34 pm

Stephen Crosher started up Moortec in the UK back in 2005 with the help of his former Zarlink co-workers and they set to work offering AMS design services and eventually created their own Analog IP like the temperature sensor shown below:

We spoke by phone last week about his start-up experience and how they approach AMS design.… Read More

A Verilog Simulator Comparison

A Verilog Simulator Comparison
by Daniel Payne on 09-22-2011 at 2:40 pm

Mentor, Cadence and Synopsys all offer Verilog simulators, however when was the last time that you benchmarked your simulator against a tool from a smaller company?

I just heard from an RTL designer (who wants to remain anonymous) about his experience comparing a Verilog simulator called CVC from Tachyon against ModelSim… Read More

AMS Design, Optimization and Porting

AMS Design, Optimization and Porting
by Daniel Payne on 09-19-2011 at 2:35 pm

AMS design flows can follow a traditional path or consider trying something new. The traditional path goes along the following steps:

  • Design requirements
  • Try a transistor-level schematic
  • Run circuit simulation
  • Compare the simulated results versus the requirements, re-size the transistors and go back to step 3 or
  • Read More

    Tanner EDA Newsletter – Fall 2011

    Tanner EDA Newsletter – Fall 2011
    by Daniel Payne on 09-15-2011 at 10:47 am

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    From the President: Another Great YearThanks to innovative, cost-effective technology and excellence in customer support, we’ve just ended fiscal year 2011 (on May 31st) with solid growth. Revenue was up 8%, we added 139 new customers, and we’re continuing to reach out to technology partners for MEMS and for the analog and mixed-signalRead More

    Hardware Configuration Management approach awarded a Patent

    Hardware Configuration Management approach awarded a Patent
    by Daniel Payne on 09-13-2011 at 11:21 am

    Hardware designers use complex EDA tool flows that have collections of underlying binary and text files. Keeping track of the versions of your IC design can be a real issue when your projects use teams of engineers. ClioSoft has been offering HCM (Hardware Configuration Management) tools that work in the most popular flows of: … Read More

    Another Up Year in a Down Economy for Tanner EDA

    Another Up Year in a Down Economy for Tanner EDA
    by Daniel Payne on 09-13-2011 at 11:00 am

    Almost every week I read about a slowing world economy, yet in EDA we have some bright spots to talk about, like Tanner EDA finishing its 24th year with an 8% increase in revenue. More details are in the press release from today.

    I spoke with Greg Lebsack, President of Tanner EDA on Monday to ask about how they are growing. Greg has been… Read More

    Manufacturing Analysis and Scoring (MAS): GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Mentor Graphics

    Manufacturing Analysis and Scoring (MAS): GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Mentor Graphics
    by Daniel Payne on 09-05-2011 at 3:37 pm

    Last week GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Mentor Graphics presented at the Tech Design Forum on how they collaborated on a third generation DFM flow. When I reviewed the slides of the presentation it really struck me on how the old thinking in DRC (Design Rule Checking) of Pass/Fail for layout rules had been replaced with a score represented… Read More