WEBINAR REPLAY: AWS (Amazon) and ClioSoft Describe Best Cloud Practices

WEBINAR REPLAY: AWS (Amazon) and ClioSoft Describe Best Cloud Practices
by Randy Smith on 11-20-2019 at 10:00 am

ClioSoft has been working with the leading cloud computing providers running experiments on various EDA cloud architectures for a while now. One example of that was a project with Google I previously wrote a blog about, For EDA Users: The Cloud Should Not Be Just a Compute Farm. Since then, ClioSoft has also teamed up with Amazon … Read More

Rapid growth of AI/ML based systems requires memory and interconnect IP

Rapid growth of AI/ML based systems requires memory and interconnect IP
by Tom Simon on 11-07-2019 at 6:00 am

Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) are working their way into a surprising number of areas. Probably the one you think of first is autonomous driving, but we are seeing a rapidly growing number of other applications as time goes on. Among these are networking, sensor fusion, manufacturing, data mining, numerical… Read More

WEBINAR REPLAY: ClioSoft Facilitates Design Reuse with Cadence® Virtuoso®

WEBINAR REPLAY: ClioSoft Facilitates Design Reuse with Cadence® Virtuoso®
by Daniel Nenni on 10-23-2019 at 10:00 am

In September, ClioSoft gave a SemiWiki webinar titled, Reusing Your IPs & PDKs Successfully With Cadence® Virtuoso®. I was happy to be the moderator of this webinar, having had the chance to work with ClioSoft’s team over many years. The webinar was informative while also being very time efficient. I think it is important for… Read More

Free webinar – Accelerating data processing with FPGA fabrics and NoCs

Free webinar – Accelerating data processing with FPGA fabrics and NoCs
by Tom Simon on 10-14-2019 at 10:00 am

FPGAs have always been a great way to add performance to a system. They are capable of parallel processing and have the added bonus of reprogramability. Achronix has helped boost their utility by offering on-chip embedded FPGA fabric for integration into SoCs. This has had the effect of boosting data rates through these systems… Read More

Debugging SoCs at the RTL, Gate and SPICE Netlist Levels

Debugging SoCs at the RTL, Gate and SPICE Netlist Levels
by Daniel Payne on 10-02-2019 at 10:00 am

Concept Engineering - auto schematic

Debugging an IC is never much fun because of all the file formats used, the levels of hierarchy and just the sheer design size, so when an EDA tool comes around that allows me to get my debugging done quicker, then I take notice and give it a look. I was already familiar with debugging SPICE netlists using a tool called SPICEVision Pro,… Read More

Webinar: OCV and Timing Closure Sign-off by Silvaco on Oct 10 at 10AM

Webinar: OCV and Timing Closure Sign-off by Silvaco on Oct 10 at 10AM
by Daniel Nenni on 10-01-2019 at 10:00 am

The old adage that goes the one constant thing you can always count on is change, could easily be reworded for semiconductor design to say the one constant thing you can count on is variation. This is doubly true. Not only is variation, in all its forms, a constant factor in design, additionally the methods of analyzing and dealing … Read More

WEBINAR: AI-Powered Automated Timing Arc Prediction for AMS IP’s

WEBINAR: AI-Powered Automated Timing Arc Prediction for AMS IP’s
by Daniel Nenni on 09-19-2019 at 6:00 am

A directed approach to reduce Risk and improve Quality

Safety and reliability are critical for most applications of integrated circuits (ICs) today. Even more so when they serve markets like ADAS, autonomous driving, healthcare and aeronautics where they are paramount. Safety and reliability transcend all levels of an integrated… Read More

WEBNAR: How ASIC/SoC Rapid Prototyping Solutions Can Help You!

WEBNAR: How ASIC/SoC Rapid Prototyping Solutions Can Help You!
by Daniel Nenni on 08-23-2019 at 10:00 am

If you are considering an FPGA prototype for an ASIC or SoC as part of your verification strategy, which more and more chip designers today are doing to enhance verification coverage of complex designs, please take advantage of this webinar replay:

How ASIC/SoC Prototyping Solutions Can Help You!

Or to get a quick quote from S2C Read More

Adding CDM Protection to a Real World LNA Test Case

Adding CDM Protection to a Real World LNA Test Case
by Tom Simon on 08-06-2019 at 6:00 am

In RF designs Low Noise Amplifiers (LNA) play a critical role in system operation. They simultaneously need to be extremely sensitive and noise free, yet also must be able to withstand strong signal input without distortion. LNA designers often struggle to meet device performance specifications. Their task is further complicated… Read More

WEBINAR: Eliminating Hybrid Verification Barriers Through Test Suite Synthesis

WEBINAR: Eliminating Hybrid Verification Barriers Through Test Suite Synthesis
by Randy Smith on 07-16-2019 at 10:00 am


I’ve been following the evolution of the verification space for a very long time including several stints consulting to formal verification companies. It has always been interesting to me to see how so many diverse verification techniques emerge and been used, but without much unification of the approaches. With the emergence… Read More