Intel Lands Top TSMC Customer

Intel Lands Top TSMC Customer
by Daniel Nenni on 07-25-2022 at 2:30 am

Intel Foundry and MediaTek

Most people will be surprised by this but after working in Taiwan for many years I quite expected it. Intel Announced that MediaTek will use Intel Foundry Services for FinFET based smart edge device chips. MediaTek will start with Intel 16nm technology which originated from the legendary 22nm, the first commercial FinFET process.… Read More

Qualcomm’s AI play

Qualcomm’s AI play
by Anand Joshi on 06-21-2022 at 10:00 am

int nvda qcom

Qualcomm is a common name in mobile industry for chips. The company has generated $33 billion in revenue in 2021 and continues to march ahead with its innovations. However, Qualcomm doesn’t get the same visibility and mention as Nvidia and Intel in the world of AI chips. By our estimate, Qualcomm’s contribution to … Read More

“Too Big To Fail Two” – Could chip failure take down tech & entire economy?

“Too Big To Fail Two” – Could chip failure take down tech & entire economy?
by Robert Maire on 12-19-2021 at 6:00 am

Semiconductors too big to fail

-Chips enable tech sector which underpins entire economy
-Is the US chip sector “Too Big To Fail”?
-If US chip industry fails, does tech & everything else follow?
-How chip/Taiwan crisis compares to 2008 financial meltdown

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

We find it an incredible juxtaposition… Read More

Supply Issues Limit 2021 Semiconductor Growth

Supply Issues Limit 2021 Semiconductor Growth
by Bill Jewell on 05-23-2021 at 10:00 am

Top Semiconductor Revenues 2021

Worldwide semiconductor shipments were $123.1 billion in 1Q 2021, up 3.6% from 4Q 2020 and up 17.8% from a year ago, according to WSTS. The 3.6% quarter-to-quarter growth was the highest for a first quarter since 1Q 2010, eleven years ago. The strong growth in 1Q21 implies strong growth in the following quarters and for the year 2021.… Read More

Chip Design in the Cloud – Annapurna Labs and Altair

Chip Design in the Cloud – Annapurna Labs and Altair
by Kalar Rajendiran on 05-19-2021 at 10:00 am

Compute Farm Growth

The above title refers to a webinar that was hosted by Altair on April 28th. Chip design in the cloud is not a new idea. So, what is the big deal with the above title. Sometimes titles don’t reveal the full story. Annapurna Labs happens to be an Amazon company. It used to be an independent semiconductor company that was acquired by Amazon… Read More

Qualcomm Takes the Wheel

Qualcomm Takes the Wheel
by Roger C. Lanctot on 02-03-2021 at 6:00 am

Qualcomm Takes the Wheel

Qualcomm took center stage in the automotive industry this week to state its intention to dominate future dashboard infotainment systems. Long known for its wireless connectivity presence, Qualcomm took the wraps off its ramping up infotainment design wins for its Snapdragon 3 platform while revealing its next generation

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Is Apple the Most Valuable Semiconductor Company in the World?

Is Apple the Most Valuable Semiconductor Company in the World?
by Robert Maire on 11-25-2020 at 6:00 am

Apple M1

– The new M1 chip unveils previously hidden asset
– Could/should Apple sell semiconductors?
– Are servers next?
– The M1 chip appears to be a rousing success and the beginning of a new era

Essentially 100% of all early reports on the performance of the M1 chip have come back with stellar reviews. Great performance… Read More

Time for Chip Diplomacy

Time for Chip Diplomacy
by Terry Daly on 05-29-2020 at 10:00 am

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An industry caught in the crosshairs of geopolitics needs global emeritus leadership

The semiconductor industry is at the epicenter of great power politics. An ascendant China is on a quest for a unified global system with China as the leading power. The United States seeks to maintain its position as leader of the liberal democratic… Read More

The Largest Engineering Simulation Virtual Event in the World!

The Largest Engineering Simulation Virtual Event in the World!
by Daniel Nenni on 05-22-2020 at 10:00 am

ANSYS Simulation World

ANSYS is the world leader in engineering simulation across multiple markets. One of those markets just happens to be semiconductor which is why ANSYS is on Due to the pandemic ANSYS has transformed their popular live regional events to one broad virtual event “Simulation World”.

“Simulation World is world’s largestRead More

Short vs Long Term Covid19 Impact

Short vs Long Term Covid19 Impact
by Robert Maire on 04-19-2020 at 10:00 am

Covid Semiconductor

-Short term Covid19 impact is primarily logistics related
-Longer term impact is more systemic/demand driven
-Impact will wind through supply chain over several qtrs
-Other issues, such as trade, remain an overhang

Short term versus long term in the semiconductor industry
The stocks declines over the last months seem to indicate… Read More