Arm Client 2024 Growing into AI Phones and AI PCs

Arm Client 2024 Growing into AI Phones and AI PCs
by Bernard Murphy on 06-05-2024 at 6:00 am

AI phone

I wrote last year about the challenge Arm Client/Mobile faces in growing in a saturated phone market and how they put a big focus on mobile gaming to stimulate growth. The gaming direction continues but this year they have added (of course) an AI focus, not just to mobile but also to other clients, notably PCs. It would be easy to be cynical… Read More

Anirudh Fireside Chats with Jensen and Cristiano

Anirudh Fireside Chats with Jensen and Cristiano
by Bernard Murphy on 05-14-2024 at 6:00 am

Fireside chat min

At CadenceLIVE 2024 Anirudh Devgan (President and CEO of Cadence) hosted two fireside chats, one with Jensen Huang (President and CEO of NVIDIA) and one with Cristiano Amon (President and CEO of Qualcomm). As you would expect both discussions were engaging and enlightening. What follows are my takeaways from those chats.


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ASML moving to U.S.- Nvidia to change name to AISi & acquire PSI Quantum

ASML moving to U.S.- Nvidia to change name to AISi & acquire PSI Quantum
by Robert Maire on 04-01-2024 at 10:00 am

Moving to the US
  • Nvidia changing name to AISi (AI silicon) reflecting business focus
  • Nvidia to buy PSI Quantum to combine AI & quantum efforts
  • ASML to move to U.S. to reduce China & employee restrictions
  • New Japanese consortia firms join Rapidus & IBM fab team

Nvidia renaming to reflect AI reality

Nvidia which is now clearly seen as … Read More

CES 2024 and all things Cycling

CES 2024 and all things Cycling
by Daniel Payne on 01-11-2024 at 10:00 am

UrbanCross min

From the comfort of my home office I attended CES 2024 virtually this week, and collected all the news for cyclists, and it’s mostly all about e-bikes. The total count of e-bike sales now even outnumber EV car sales worldwide, so that growth trend continues. Some 85% of all bikes sold in China are now e-bikes.


This single… Read More

Qualcomm Insights into Unreachability Analysis

Qualcomm Insights into Unreachability Analysis
by Bernard Murphy on 10-17-2023 at 6:00 am


Unreachability (UNR) analysis, finding and definitively proving that certain states in a design cannot possibly be covered in testing, should be a wildly popular component in all verification plans. When the coverage needle stubbornly refuses to move, where should you focus testing creativity while avoiding provably untestable… Read More

Nvidia Number One in 2023

Nvidia Number One in 2023
by Bill Jewell on 09-21-2023 at 8:00 pm

Nvidia number one in 2023

Nvidia will likely become the largest semiconductor company for the year 2023. We at Semiconductor Intelligence (SC-IQ) estimate Nvidia’s total 2023 revenue will be about $52.9 billion, passing previous number one Intel at an estimated $51.6 billion. Nvidia’s 2023 revenue will be almost double its 2022 revenue on the strength… Read More

Webinar: The Data Revolution of Semiconductor Production

Webinar: The Data Revolution of Semiconductor Production
by Daniel Nenni on 02-27-2023 at 6:00 am

ProteanTecs Webinar

How Advancements in Technology Unlock New Insights

The demand for efficient and scalable chip production has never been greater. The need to scale at volume and adapt to shorter innovation cycles makes machine learning and advanced data analytics essential components of semiconductor production.

Join us on Tuesday, March … Read More

CES 2023 and all things cycling

CES 2023 and all things cycling
by Daniel Payne on 01-10-2023 at 10:00 am

smart tire company min

It’s January so time for me to review what I’ve found at CES this year that relates to cycling. Unlike last year when there were many last-minute cancellations from exhibitors, in 2023 it’s in-person and bigger than ever. The electrification of bikes continues, and many of these electronic devices are cloud… Read More

Intel Lands Top TSMC Customer

Intel Lands Top TSMC Customer
by Daniel Nenni on 07-25-2022 at 2:30 am

Intel Foundry and MediaTek

Most people will be surprised by this but after working in Taiwan for many years I quite expected it. Intel Announced that MediaTek will use Intel Foundry Services for FinFET based smart edge device chips. MediaTek will start with Intel 16nm technology which originated from the legendary 22nm, the first commercial FinFET process.… Read More