TSMC’s 5nm 0.021um2 SRAM Cell Using EUV and High Mobility Channel with Write Assist at ISSCC2020

TSMC’s 5nm 0.021um2 SRAM Cell Using EUV and High Mobility Channel with Write Assist at ISSCC2020
by Don Draper on 03-06-2020 at 6:00 am

Fig. 1 Semiconductor Technology Application Evolution

Technological leadership has long been key to TSMC’s success and they are following up their leadership development of 5nm with the world’s smallest SRAM cell at 0.021um 2 with circuit design details of their write assist techniques necessary to achieve the full potential of this revolutionary technology. In addition to their… Read More

IEDM 2019 Press Lunch Exposed!

IEDM 2019 Press Lunch Exposed!
by Daniel Nenni on 12-10-2019 at 6:00 am

One of the many benefits of blogging for SemiWiki is the free conference passes and buffet lunches, absolutely. IEDM is one of the more prestigious semiconductor conferences, now in its 65th year, is being held at the Hilton Hotel in San Francisco’s famed Union Square this week. This year more than 1,910 semiconductor professionals… Read More

Bob Swan says Intel 7nm equals TSMC 5nm!

Bob Swan says Intel 7nm equals TSMC 5nm!
by Daniel Nenni on 12-09-2019 at 6:00 am

Bob Swan is really starting to grow on me. Admittedly, I am generally not a fan of CFOs taking CEO roles at semiconductor companies but thus far Bob is doing a great job. This comes from my outside-looking-in observations and from the people I know inside Intel, absolutely.

Bob did a fireside chat with Credit Suisse at their 23rd annual… Read More

My Top Three Reasons to Attend IEDM 2019

My Top Three Reasons to Attend IEDM 2019
by Scotten Jones on 10-11-2019 at 6:10 am

The International Electron Devices Meeting is a premier event to learn about the latest in semiconductor process technology. Held every year in early December is San Francisco this years conference will be held  from Decembers 7th through December 11th. You can learn more about the conference at their web site here.

This is a must… Read More