Prototyping with the Latest and Greatest Xilinx FPGAs

Prototyping with the Latest and Greatest Xilinx FPGAs
by Daniel Nenni on 11-11-2020 at 6:00 am

Prototyping with the Latest and Greatest Xilinx FPGAs

I was reading the S2C press release announcing their new FPGA prototyping platform based on the Xilinx UltraScale+ VU19P FPGA, and how the new FPGA will accelerate billion gate FPGA prototyping, and I was struck by the stunning implications of this announcement.  Not that billion gate SoC designs can now be prototyped with FPGAs,… Read More

Achronix is Driving the Fourth FPGA Wave

Achronix is Driving the Fourth FPGA Wave
by Mike Gianfagna on 11-09-2020 at 8:00 am

Achronix and the Fourth FPGA Wave

Technology typically evolves in waves. Sometimes it’s referred to as a “revolution” or an “age”. The industrial revolution and the information age are examples. These kinds of categorizations help to clarify the impact of innovation in ways that are relevant to everyone – you can’t look away if the world is changing around you.… Read More

Embedded Systems Development Flow

Embedded Systems Development Flow
by Daniel Nenni on 11-09-2020 at 6:00 am

Webinar SoC 1

Earlier this year. as part of my coverage of the virtual Design Automation Conference (DAC), I interviewed Agnisys CEO and founder Anupam Bakshi. He talked about the new products they introduced at the show and filled me in on the history of the company and his own background. Recently, Anupam presented the webinar “System Development… Read More

The Future of FPGAs

The Future of FPGAs
by Kris Kachris on 11-08-2020 at 10:00 am

The Future of FPGAs

On June 1, 2015 Intel and Altera announced , that they had entered into a definitive agreement under which Intel would acquire Altera for $16.7 billions. That was a major milestone for the FPGA community as Xilinx and Altera were the main FPGA vendors.

After the official announcement of AMD to acquire Xilinx, there is a huge… Read More

AMD and Intel Update with Xilinx

AMD and Intel Update with Xilinx
by Daniel Nenni on 11-06-2020 at 10:00 am

AMD Xilinx Acquisition

The AMD acquisition of Xilinx is certainly big news but as an insider looking at the media coverage I think there are a few more points to consider. While most of the coverage has been positive there will always be negatives and we can look at that as well.

Intel acquired Altera in 2015 for $16.7B at a 50% premium which was a major disruption… Read More

ASIC and FPGA Design and Verification Trends 2020

ASIC and FPGA Design and Verification Trends 2020
by Daniel Nenni on 10-28-2020 at 6:00 am

2020 Wilson Report Verification ASIC FPGA

Harry Foster and I started in semiconductors at the same time so it was great to reminisce while talking about the latest Wilson Research Group Functional Verification Trend reports. Before I get into the reports lets talk about Harry who is a verification superstar:

Harry is Chief Scientist Verification for the Design Verification… Read More

WEBINAR: Design Adaptive eFPGA IP

WEBINAR: Design Adaptive eFPGA IP
by Daniel Nenni on 09-18-2020 at 10:00 am

Menta Adaptive Design eFPGA Webinar 1

Since the start of PROMS, PLDs and FPGAs we have learned the importance of programmability in modern semiconductor design. Today we have eFPGAs for “design adaptive” embedded programmability and that is what this webinar is all about.

Several key points are discussed starting with the Law of Accelerating Returns as it applies… Read More

Reverse-engineering the First FPGA Chip Xilinx XC2064

Reverse-engineering the First FPGA Chip Xilinx XC2064
by Ken Shirriff on 09-16-2020 at 6:00 am

Xilinx XC2064

A Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) can implement arbitrary digital logic, anything from a microprocessor to a video generator or crypto miner. An FPGA consists of many logic blocks, each typically consisting of a flip flop and a logic function, along with a routing network that connects the logic blocks. What makes an FPGA… Read More

Moving to Deeply Scaled Nodes for Power? There is a Better Way

Moving to Deeply Scaled Nodes for Power? There is a Better Way
by Mike Gianfagna on 08-24-2020 at 10:00 am

AGGIOS Definition

Did you know you can save 30% to 60% power without spending a fortune on a process migration? There is a better way than moving to deeply scaled nodes for power. Read on…

Have you heard of AGGIOS? You will. The name stands for AGGregated IO Systems, and a team of ex ARM and Qualcomm engineers are re-inventing power management. I’ll explain… Read More

Achronix Blog Roundup!

Achronix Blog Roundup!
by Daniel Nenni on 07-09-2020 at 10:00 am

Achronix Speedcore

Blogging is not an easy thing to do. It takes time, patience, commitment, and creativity. SemiWiki brought blogging to the semiconductor industry and many companies have followed. Very few have been successful with personal or corporate blogs but as a premier semiconductor blogger I have developed a proven recipe over the last… Read More