SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference 2023 – AMAT Sculpta® Announcement

SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference 2023 – AMAT Sculpta® Announcement
by Scotten Jones on 03-13-2023 at 8:00 am

Applied Materials Sculpta Presentation for Media Page 06

The SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference is the semiconductor industries premier conference on lithography. The 2023 conference was held the week of February 27th and at the conference Applied Materials announced their Sculpta® pattern shaping tool. Last week I had an opportunity to interview Steven Sherman the Managing … Read More

Report from SPIE- EUV’s next 15 years- AMAT “Sculpta” braggadocio rollout

Report from SPIE- EUV’s next 15 years- AMAT “Sculpta” braggadocio rollout
by Robert Maire on 03-06-2023 at 10:00 am

EUV DUV Lithography

-We attended the SPIE lithography Conference in San Jose
-No significant news or announcements on EUV
-Focus on 500WPM target and High & Hyper NA rollout
-AMAT overblown Sculpta-Not exactly what its cracked up to be

SPIE Lithography 2023

We have been attending SPIE for many years now and are happy to see a return to pre Covid levels… Read More

Resolution vs. Die Size Tradeoff Due to EUV Pupil Rotation

Resolution vs. Die Size Tradeoff Due to EUV Pupil Rotation
by Fred Chen on 03-02-2023 at 10:00 am

Resolution vs. Die Size Tradeoff Due to EUV Pupil Rotation

The many idiosyncrasies of EUV lithography affect the resolution that can actually be realized. One which still does not get as much attention as it should is the cross-slit pupil rotation [1-3]. This is a fundamental consequence of using rotational symmetry in ring-field optical systems to control aberrations in reflective… Read More

U.S., Japan & Dutch versus China Chips & Memory looks to be in a long downturn

U.S., Japan & Dutch versus China Chips & Memory looks to be in a long downturn
by Robert Maire on 02-01-2023 at 2:00 pm

US Japan China

-US, Japan & Dutch agree to embargo some China chip equip
-Goes beyond just leading edge & will increase negative impact
-China might catch up in decades or invade Taiwan tomorrow
-Why the memory downturn could be longer than expected

Ganging up on China

It appears that the US has put together a coalition of the US, Japan and… Read More

ASML – Powering through weakness – Almost untouchable – Lead times exceed downturn

ASML – Powering through weakness – Almost untouchable – Lead times exceed downturn
by Robert Maire on 01-26-2023 at 10:00 am

Robert Maire Bloomberg

-Demand far exceeds supply & much longer than any downturn
-Full speed ahead-$40B in solid backlog provides great comfort
-ASP increase shows strength- China is non issue
-In a completely different league than other equipment makers

Reports a good beat & Guide

Revenues were Euro6.4B with system sales making up Euro4.7B… Read More

Secondary Electron Blur Randomness as the Origin of EUV Stochastic Defects

Secondary Electron Blur Randomness as the Origin of EUV Stochastic Defects
by Fred Chen on 01-09-2023 at 10:00 am

Secondary Electron Blur Randomness as the Origin of EUV Stochastic Defects

Stochastic defects in EUV lithography have been studied over the last few years. For years, the Poisson noise from the low photon density of EUV had been suspected [1,2]. EUV distinguishes itself from DUV lithography with secondary electrons functioning as intermediary agents in generating reactions in the resist. Therefore,… Read More

A Perspective on Semiconductor Manufacturing Initiatives & Strategies

A Perspective on Semiconductor Manufacturing Initiatives & Strategies
by Sagar Pushpala on 10-17-2022 at 10:00 am

A Perspective on Semiconductor Manufacturing Initiatives

My name is Sagar, and I’ve been a long-time executive in the semiconductor manufacturing world — holding key positions at large multi-nationals, a leading semiconductor foundry, and partnering with many of the top-tier foundries and OSATs. Since “retiring”, I’ve also spent time advising and investing in start-ups through Read More

Does SMIC have 7nm and if so, what does it mean

Does SMIC have 7nm and if so, what does it mean
by Scotten Jones on 09-07-2022 at 10:00 am

SMIC 7nm

Recently TechInsights analyzed a Bitcoin Miner chip fabbed at SMIC and declared SMIC has a 7nm process. There has been some debate as to whether the SMIC process is really 7nm and what it means if it is 7nm. I wanted to discuss the case for and against the process being 7nm, and what I think it means.

First off, I want to say I am not going … Read More

Spot Pairs for Measurement of Secondary Electron Blur in EUV and E-beam Resists

Spot Pairs for Measurement of Secondary Electron Blur in EUV and E-beam Resists
by Fred Chen on 08-14-2022 at 8:00 am

Spot Pairs for Measurement of Secondary Electron Blur in EUV

There is growing awareness that EUV lithography is actually an imaging technique that heavily depends on the distribution of secondary electrons in the resist layer [1-5]. The stochastic aspects should be traced not only to the discrete number of photons absorbed but also the electrons that are subsequently released. The electron… Read More

EUV’s Pupil Fill and Resist Limitations at 3nm

EUV’s Pupil Fill and Resist Limitations at 3nm
by Fred Chen on 08-08-2022 at 10:00 am

EUV Pupil Fill and Resist Limitations at 3nm p1

The 3nm node is projected to feature around a 22 nm metal pitch [1,2]. This poses some new challenges for the use of EUV lithography. Some challenges are different for the 0.33NA vs. 0.55NA systems.

0.33 NA

For 0.33 NA systems, 22 nm pitch can only be supported by illumination filling 4% of the pupil, well below the 20% lower limit for

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