CEO Interview: Veerbhan Kheterpal of

CEO Interview: Veerbhan Kheterpal of
by Daniel Nenni on 08-27-2021 at 6:00 am

veerbhan kheterpal

It was my pleasure to meet Veerbhan Kheterpal. Veerbhan has founded three technology companies and has full stack expertise spanning software to silicon across Edge & Datacenter applications. Currently, he is a CEO & co-founder of, a company that has created a new processor architecture for high performance… Read More

Cadence Tensilica FloatingPoint DSPs

Cadence Tensilica FloatingPoint DSPs
by Kalar Rajendiran on 07-15-2021 at 10:00 am

Tensilica FP DSPs

Being engrossed in the digital information world, it is easy to forget that the real world is comprised of mostly analog signals and data. Digital Signal Processors (DSP) take digitized forms of these worldly signals and manipulate them mathematically. Although floating-point is a more relevant and accurate way of representing… Read More

Cadence Extends Tensilica Vision, AI Product Line

Cadence Extends Tensilica Vision, AI Product Line
by Bernard Murphy on 05-11-2021 at 6:00 am

Tensilica vision min

Vision pipelines, from image signal processing (ISP) through AI processing and fancy effects (super-resolution, Bokeh and others) has become fundamental to almost every aspect of the modern world. In automotive safety, robotics, drones, mobile applications and AR/VR, what we now consider essential we couldn’t do without… Read More

IP and Software Speeds up TWS Earbud SoC Development

IP and Software Speeds up TWS Earbud SoC Development
by Tom Simon on 03-18-2021 at 10:00 am

CEVA Bluebud TWS Platform

The global market for earphones and headphones in 2020 is estimated to have been $34B and is expanding at a compound rate of over 20% per year. Of this almost 50% is said to be earphones which are shifting rapidly to True Wireless Stereo (TWS). We have seen the sales of TWS devices grow from 1M units is 2016 to 109M units in 2019, though … Read More

Combining AI and Advanced Signal Processing on the Same Device

Combining AI and Advanced Signal Processing on the Same Device
by Lauro Rizzatti on 08-04-2020 at 6:00 am

Figure 1 1

A lot has been written and even more spoken about artificial intelligence (AI) and its uses. Case in point, the use of AI to make autonomous vehicles (AV) a reality. But, surprisingly, not much is discussed on pre-processing the inputs feeding AI algorithms. Understanding how input signals are generated, pre-processed and used… Read More

Waking Up to the Requirements of Voice Activity Detection

Waking Up to the Requirements of Voice Activity Detection
by Tom Simon on 07-07-2020 at 6:00 am

Dolphin Design Waking Up

There is a famous scene in the 1976 movie Taxi Driver when Robert De Niro’s character Travis is pretending to have a conversation looking in the mirror and repeatedly saying “Are you talking to me?”. I think about this scene every time I use a voice active device – Hey, are you talking to me? Yes, I am, but are you listening?

Voice command,… Read More

Synopsys Announces IP Supporting 5G’s Game Changing Low Power IoT Spec

Synopsys Announces IP Supporting 5G’s Game Changing Low Power IoT Spec
by Tom Simon on 05-22-2020 at 6:00 am

5G NB IoT Processor from Synopsys

If you are like me, you will get a 5G phone because of the high bandwidth it offers. However, there is a lot more to 5G than just fast data. In fact, one of the appealing features of 5G is low bandwidth communication. This is useful for edge devices that perform infrequent and low volume data transfers and depend on long battery life. Prior… Read More

Using ML Acceleration Hardware for Improved DSP Performance

Using ML Acceleration Hardware for Improved DSP Performance
by Tom Simon on 04-24-2020 at 6:00 am

nnMAX Flex Logix Tile

Some amazing hardware is being designed to accelerate AI/ML, most of which features large numbers of MAC units. Given that MAC units are like the lego blocks of digital math, they are also useful for a number of other applications. System designers are waking up to the idea of repurposing AI accelerators for DSP functions such as … Read More

TinyML Makes Big Impact in Edge AI Applications

TinyML Makes Big Impact in Edge AI Applications
by Tom Simon on 02-12-2020 at 10:00 am

TimyML ECM3532 Architecture

Machine Learning (ML) has become extremely important for many computing applications, especially ones that involve interacting with the physical world. Along with this trend has come the development of many specialized ML processors for cloud and mobile applications. These chips work fine in the cloud or even in cars or phones,… Read More

New ARC VPX DSP IP provides parallel processing punch

New ARC VPX DSP IP provides parallel processing punch
by Tom Simon on 10-29-2019 at 6:00 am

The transition to the digital age from a mostly analog world really began with the invention of the A-to-D and D-to-A converters. However scalar processors can easily be overwhelmed by the copious data produced by something as simple as an audio stream. To solve this problem and to really jumpstart the digital age, the development… Read More