Primarius 2B
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IMEC Technology Forum (ITF) – Secrets of Semiconductor Scaling

IMEC Technology Forum (ITF) – Secrets of Semiconductor Scaling
by Scotten Jones on 06-07-2016 at 4:00 pm

IMEC is a technology research center located in Belgium that is one of the premier semiconductor research centers in the world today. The IMEC Technology Forum (ITF) is a two-day event attended by approximately 1,000 people to showcase the work done by IMEC and their partners.… Read More

Is GaN Disruptive? Revisiting the Criteria

Is GaN Disruptive? Revisiting the Criteria
by Alex Lidow on 06-07-2016 at 12:00 pm

In March 2010 Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) proudly launched our GaN technology at the CIPS conference in Nuremberg, Germany. Parts and development kits were readily available off-the shelf and therefore designers could immediately get started with a new state-of-the-art semiconductor technology.
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Intel’s New Strategy Is The Right One For The Company

Intel’s New Strategy Is The Right One For The Company
by Patrick Moorhead on 06-06-2016 at 7:00 am

Intel has been the focus of a lot of attention in the last week due to the company’s major restructuring announcement which came on the heels of Intel’s most recent earnings announcement. The majority of analyses that immediately followed the company’s announcement focused singularly on the layoffs, which amount to 11% of the … Read More

Highlights of the 28nm FD-SOI San Jose Presentations

Highlights of the 28nm FD-SOI San Jose Presentations
by Adele Hars on 06-05-2016 at 8:00 pm

Samsung FDSOI productionstatus SanJose16c

Most of the presentations from the FD-SOI Symposium in San Jose last month (April 2016) are now available on the SOI Consortium website (click here to see the full list — if they’re posted, you can download them freely from there). If you don’t have time to wade through them all, here are some of the highlights. … Read More

IMEC Technology Forum (ITF) – Moving the Electronics Industry Forward

IMEC Technology Forum (ITF) – Moving the Electronics Industry Forward
by Scotten Jones on 06-02-2016 at 4:00 pm

IMEC is a technology research center located in Belgium that is one of the premier semiconductor research centers in the world today. The IMEC Technology Forum (ITF) is a two-day event attended by approximately 1,000 people to showcase the work done by IMEC and their partners.

Gary Patton is the Chief Technical Officer and Senior… Read More

Layout Pattern Matching for DRC, DFM, and Yield Improvement

Layout Pattern Matching for DRC, DFM, and Yield Improvement
by Tom Dillinger on 06-01-2016 at 12:00 pm

It is truly amazing to consider the advances in microelectronic process development, using 193i photolithography. The figure below is a stark reminder of the difference between the illuminating wavelength and the final imaged geometries. This technology evolution has been enabled by continued investment in mask data generation… Read More

TSMC Update at #53DAC!

TSMC Update at #53DAC!
by Daniel Nenni on 05-31-2016 at 4:00 pm

TSMC is having an interesting year for sure. I was at the TSMC Symposium in Hsinchu last week and everyone was talking about the new 16FFC process. Silicon is out and it is exceeding expectations leading some people (me included) to believe that TSMC 16FFC will be the next TSMC 28nm in regards to popularity. To be clear, 16FFC is currently… Read More

How TSMC Tackles Variation at Advanced Nodes

How TSMC Tackles Variation at Advanced Nodes
by Pawan Fangaria on 05-27-2016 at 12:00 pm

The design community is always hungry for high-performance, low-power, and low-cost devices. There is emergence of FinFET and FDSOI technologies at ultra-low process nodes to provide high-performance and low-power requirements at lower die-size. However, these advanced process nodes are prone to new sources of variation.… Read More

ARM tests out TSMC 10FinFET – with two cores

ARM tests out TSMC 10FinFET – with two cores
by Don Dingee on 05-25-2016 at 4:00 pm

About 13 months ago, the leak blogs posted news of “Artemis” on an alleged ARM roadmap slide, supposedly a new 16FF ARM core positioned as the presumptive successor to the Cortex-A57. Now, we’re finding out what “Artemis” may actually be, inside a multi-core PPA test chip on TSMC 10FinFET.… Read More