Keysight webinar 800x100
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Intel- Analysts/Investor flub shows disconnect on Intel, Industry & challenges

Intel- Analysts/Investor flub shows disconnect on Intel, Industry & challenges
by Robert Maire on 10-27-2021 at 2:00 pm

Pat Gelsinger Triple Spend

Analysts missed all warning signs until Intel spelled it out
12% stock drop shows disconnect and misunderstanding
No quick fix, this is a long term, uncertain problem & solution
Everyone ignored the obvious until it ran them over

A 12% stock drop is fault of investors/analysts not Intel

Whenever a stock drops 12% in one day there… Read More

TSMC Arizona Fab Cost Revisited

TSMC Arizona Fab Cost Revisited
by Scotten Jones on 10-13-2021 at 8:00 am

TSMC North America Fabs

Back in May of 2020 I published some comparisons of the cost to run a TSMC fab in Arizona versus their fabs in Taiwan. I found the fab operating cost based on the country-to-country difference to only be 3.4% higher in the US and then I found an additional 3.8% because of the smaller fab scale. Since that time, I have continued to encounter… Read More

The GlobalFoundries IPO March Continues

The GlobalFoundries IPO March Continues
by Daniel Nenni on 09-20-2021 at 6:00 am

Tom Caufield Pat Gelsinger

The GF Technology Summit was last week. It was virtual again this year but with a different format. It was a mix of live and recorded events which did include some cringe worthy moments but all-in-all it was well worth my time.

One of the biggest changes you will notice is the messaging. GF is no longer down in the technology trenches … Read More

ASML is the key to Intel’s Resurrection Just like ASML helped TSMC beat Intel

ASML is the key to Intel’s Resurrection Just like ASML helped TSMC beat Intel
by Robert Maire on 09-09-2021 at 6:00 am


-Intel’s access to high-NA EUV tools may be their elixir of life
-TSMC’s EUV adoption helped it vault faltering Intel & Samsung
-Maybe ASML should invest in Intel like Intel invested in ASML
-Shoe is on the other foot- But cooperation helps chip industry

Intel is dependent upon ASML for its entire future
If Intel… Read More

The Arm China Debacle and TSMC

The Arm China Debacle and TSMC
by Daniel Nenni on 09-03-2021 at 6:00 am

Barnum and Baily Circus

Having spent 40 years in the semiconductor industry, many years working with Arm and even publishing the definitive history book “Mobile Unleashed: The Origin and Evolution of ARM Processors in Our Devices” plus having spent more than 20 years working with China based companies, I found the recent Arm China media circus quite … Read More

Intel Architecture Day – Part 2: GPUs, IPUs, XeSS, OpenAPI

Intel Architecture Day – Part 2: GPUs, IPUs, XeSS, OpenAPI
by Tom Dillinger on 09-01-2021 at 10:00 am

Ponte Vecchio


At the recent Intel Architecture Day presentations, a breadth of roadmap plans were provided – an earlier article focused on the x86 client and data center cores and products.  This article focuses on the GPU and IPU announcements.

Xe Graphics Core

The Intel GPU architecture for embedded, discrete, and data center… Read More

Intel Architecture Day – Part 1: CPUs

Intel Architecture Day – Part 1: CPUs
by Tom Dillinger on 09-01-2021 at 6:00 am

performance core


The optimization of computing throughput, data security, power efficiency, and total cost of ownership is an effort that involves managing interdependencies between silicon and packaging technologies, architecture, and software.  We often tend to focus on the technology, yet the architecture and software… Read More

Expanding Intel’s Foundry Partnerships: A Critical Piece of IDM 2.0

Expanding Intel’s Foundry Partnerships: A Critical Piece of IDM 2.0
by Daniel Nenni on 08-25-2021 at 6:00 am

Stuart Pann SemiWiki

One of the career Intel employees (33+ years) that Pat Gelsinger brought back is Stuart Pann. Stuart is now the Senior Vice President of the Intel Corporate Planning Group. He does not have direct foundry experience but he certainly knows Intel and Pat so it will be interesting to see where this goes.

Stuart recently penned an article… Read More

Semiconductor Growth to Continue in 2022

Semiconductor Growth to Continue in 2022
by Bill Jewell on 08-18-2021 at 2:00 pm

Aug 2021 comp

The semiconductor market showed powerful growth in 2Q 2021, up 8.3% from 1Q 2021 and up 29% from a year earlier, according to WSTS. Most major semiconductor companies experienced substantial revenue growth in the quarter. The memory companies were especially strong, with 2Q 2021 versus 1Q 2021 revenue (in local currency) up 19.6%… Read More

TSMC Wafer Wars! Intel versus Apple!

TSMC Wafer Wars! Intel versus Apple!
by Daniel Nenni on 08-18-2021 at 10:00 am

Intel TSMC SemiWiki

The big fake news last week came from a report out of China stating that TSMC won a big Intel order for 3nm wafers. We have been talking about this for some time on SemiWiki so this is nothing new. Unfortunately, the article mentioned wafer and delivery date estimates that are unconfirmed and from what I know, completely out of line. … Read More