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SemiWiki in 2021!

SemiWiki in 2021!
by Daniel Nenni on 01-01-2021 at 6:00 am

Happy New Year 2021 SemiWiki 5

Today is SemiWiki’s 10th anniversary so an extra special Happy New Year to all! It has been an exciting 10 year adventure for sure and I hope it can continue for another 10 years, absolutely.

2020 brought in a record amount of content, readers and members. Our readership grew 70% YoY in 2020 according to Google Analytics which is a big number. Readership grew 15% YoY in 2019 which was about average. Total SemiWiki.com readers over the ten years are now more than 4 million with more than 50M blog views!

In 2020 the new SemiWiki job board attracted 395,943 views and the community calendar recorded 404,224 views. The new press release section recorded 1,480,953 views and the company wikis received an additional 158,743 views. We published 670 blogs that recorded more than 6M views, another SemiWiki record. Thankfully, SemiWiki 2.0 is easily scalable in the cloud, another handy 2020 addition.

For this amazing success we thank you all. What’s coming up for SemiWiki in 2021 you ask?

First and foremost, our new podcast series “Semiconductor Insiders” starting tomorrow Jan 2, 2021. This will be a weekly series hosted by myself and the top 2020 SemiWiki blogger Mike Gianfagna.

“The goal of this Podcast Series is to bring semiconductor experts together to get to the truth about the matter at hand. We’ll get right to the point and not exceed 30 minutes of your time. If you have a topic you would like us to cover please post it on SemiWiki.com and we will get right to it.”

Mike and I did the introductory EP1 which is titled “Why are Semiconductors so Sexy”. EP2 is “Moore’s Law Dead or Alive” with Dr. Walden Rhines. EP3 is “Tomorrow’s Semiconductors” with Jim Hogan and EP4 is “Can China Really Become Self-Sufficient in Semiconductors” with Robert Maire. February is still in the planning phase so submit your topics in the comments section.

Secondly, virtual events are so much easier for us to cover and I expect that to continue in 2021. More events, more expert coverage, more content for all. We are finishing up IEDM 2020 coverage this month and ISSCC is up next then SPIE and DVCon.

Thirdly, we added the SemiWiki Webinar Series in 2020 which was attended by thousands of people. Webinars are still the best virtual event for ROI in all regards. This year we will do more of the same with maybe a slight twist or turn.

Fourthly, the SemiWiki LinkedIn group now has more than 21,000 members. LinkedIn is our top social media channel so please join as my guest and support our community. SemiWiki also has a LinkedIn company page where we post relevant press releases from the semiconductor ecosystem. Please follow us there as well. If you want your press release or news event posted send it to admin at SemiWiki dot com.

Fifthly, something you all may not know, SemiWiki has internal email so members can connect and discuss topics at hand in private. A record number of email was sent this year and I expect that to continue since we cannot connect and network at live events.

Finally, here are the top ten most viewed blogs is 2020:

  1. Intel 7NM Slip Causes Reassessment of Fab Model
  2. Is the Worst Over for Semiconductors?
  3. Highlights of the TSMC Technology Symposium
  4. Intel TSMC Update!
  5. Murphy’s Law vs Moore’s Law: How Intel Lost its Dominance
  6. Design IP Revenue Grew 5.2% in 2019, Good News
  7. No Intel and Samsung are not passing TSMC
  8. AMD and Intel Update with Xilinx
  9. Wave Computing and MIPS Wave Goodbye
  10. The Future of FPGAs

If you have ideas or suggestions on how SemiWiki can improve in 2021 for the greater good let me know via SemiWiki email. It would be a pleasure to speak with you.

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