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SoC Constraints, Design & Verification at DAC

SoC Constraints, Design & Verification at DAC
by Daniel Payne on 06-28-2013 at 2:44 pm

I hadn’t followed EDA start-up company Ausdiamuch before, so at DAC I met with Sam Appleton, CEO to find out what they are all about.

Sanjay Lall, Sam Appleton – Ausdia

Q: Who uses your EDA tools?

Who: RTL designers and chip integrators, before it gets handed off to physical implementation.

Language: Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL, mixed-languages.

Q: What do your tools do?

What: SDC (Synopsys Design Constraints) verification, timing constraint generations, to handoff to backend guys, find errors in spec before physical.

Q: How similar to Fishtail?

Closest competitior. We are 20 to 50x faster than Fishtail, capacity of millions of gates (2.5 B flat gates).

Verification purpose of SDC.

For full chip, it’s just verification.

Q: How new is your TimeVision tool?

Started development in 2008, production in 2010, 2012 closed first tier one account, two more tier one accounts, another 5 (top 20 semi companies).

Q: How long does it take to learn your tool?

Learning curve – AE installs it, we are competent in a month. Another month or so to make final decision.

Q: How do I use TimeVision in my design team?

Multiple copies per team used, and 1-2 copies per engineer. Term based license, 1 2 3 year leases.

Q: Are you part of any 3rd party programs?

Yes, Mentor OpenDoor program – On DFT side, they are dominant.
– Cadence, some interest.

Q: How large is your company?

Ausdia – 14 people, R&D in Sunnyvale. Some from Austin.

Sam – PhD in Australia, worked at Silicon Graphics, start ups, did own start up.

Q: How is your company financed?

Ou company – privately financed.

Q: What should I expect to see in the next year from Ausdia?

By 2014 – have 1/2 of the world’s top 10 semi companies. Two new products. Grown substantiality.

Q: Who do I call for an evaluation?

Evaluate – Call the factory in USA.

Q: What have you learned at DAC this year?

DAC lessons – Customers are needing CDC, designs are getting too complex. Good to see Austin customers.

Q: What other EDA companies do you partner with?

Partners – DFT verification (Defacto), Design Management vendors (Methodics, IC Manage)

Q: Are you product protected by patents?

Patents – First one issued, four more applied for.

lang: en_US

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