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Q2FY24TessentAI 800X100
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Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!
by SStalnaker on 12-21-2012 at 8:00 pm

I have no idea if chicken was actually on the menu, but on December 12, Calibre RealTime picked up its thirdindustry award, this time the 2012 Elektra Award for Design Tools and Development Software from the European Electronics Industry. Calibre RealTime came out on top in a group full of prestigious finalists, including ByteSnap, Cadence, CadSoft, Synopsys, and Xilinx.

Calibre RealTime provides complete sign-offDRC/DFM feedback to the designer during custom layout creation and editing. Using an OpenAccess run-time model to enable integration with most 3rd-party custom design environments, the Calibre RealTime platform provides custom/AMS designers with immediate access to qualified Calibre rule decks (including recommended rules, pattern matching, equation-based DRC, and double patterning) during design creation. Instead of waiting for the full sign-off DRC iteration at the end of the design cycle, the designer can check each design choice against sign-off DRC, with the same fast response time as the in-design checkers. In addition, the full range of Calibre verification support is provided, including proprietary “hinting” and error identification displays that provide precise correction suggestions. This interactive editing and verification of layouts ensures DRC-clean designs in the shortest time possible, reducing overall design cycle time and providing designers with more time for design optimization, resulting in better quality and higher performance.

Calibre RealTime was previously recognized by Electronic Design with a Best award recognizing “the best technology, products and standards” of the year, and by DesignCon with its DesignVision award, honoring ” the most innovative design tools in the industry.”

For more information, visit the Calibre RealTimewebpage.

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