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Cadence is all about Semiconductor IP!

Cadence is all about Semiconductor IP!
by Daniel Nenni on 03-16-2014 at 9:00 am

Cadence continues on its quest to be a top semiconductor IP supplier which is a good thing since the semiconductor world now revolves around IP. Cadence CEO Lip-Bu Tan mentioned IP 14 times during his keynote and he was followed by the president of Imagination Technologies and the CEO of recently acquired Tensilica. I was not afforded… Read More

Cadence and ARM BFF

Cadence and ARM BFF
by Paul McLellan on 03-13-2014 at 6:38 pm

The biggest market for semiconductors is mobile and an ARM processor is the center of the axle around which it revolves. So everyone in the mobile ecosystem needs to work closely with ARM. At CDNLive earlier this week Cadence and ARM announced that they are deepening their partnership. Most of what they announced makes it a lot easier… Read More

Effective Verification Coverage through UVM & MDV

Effective Verification Coverage through UVM & MDV
by Pawan Fangaria on 03-10-2014 at 5:00 pm

In the current semiconductor design landscape, the design size and complexity of SoCs has grown to large extent with stable tools and technologies that can take care of integrating several IPs together. With that mammoth growth in designs, verification flows are evolving continuously to tackle the verification challenges … Read More

Automating PCB Timing Closure, Saving Up to 67%

Automating PCB Timing Closure, Saving Up to 67%
by Daniel Payne on 03-05-2014 at 10:10 am

The benefits of using EDA software is that it can automate a manual process, like PCB timing closure, saving you both time and engineering effort. This point was demonstrated today as Cadenceadded new timing-closure automation to their Allegroproduct family, calling it Allegro TimingVision. On Tuesday I spoke with Hemant ShahRead More

SoC Functional Verification Planning and Management Goes Big

SoC Functional Verification Planning and Management Goes Big
by Daniel Payne on 02-24-2014 at 10:01 am

Big SoC designs typically break existing EDA tools and old methodologies, which then give rise to new EDA tools and methodologies out of necessity. Such is the case with the daunting task of verification planning and management where terabytes of data have simply swamped older EDA tools, making them unpleasant and ineffective… Read More

Designing an SoC with 16nm FinFET

Designing an SoC with 16nm FinFET
by Daniel Payne on 02-11-2014 at 9:35 pm

IC designers contemplating the transition to 16nm FinFET technology for their next SoC need to be informed about design flow and IP changes, so TSMC teamed up with Cadence Design Systems today to present a webinar on that topic. I attended the webinar and will summarize my findings.

Shown below is a 3D layout concept of an ideal FinFET… Read More

SoC Verification Closure Pushes New Paradigms

SoC Verification Closure Pushes New Paradigms
by Pawan Fangaria on 02-06-2014 at 10:00 am

In the current decade of SoCs, semiconductor design size and complexity has grown by unprecedented scale in terms of gate density, number of IPs, memory blocks, analog and digital content and so on; and yet expected to increase further by many folds. Given that level of design, it’s imperative that SoC verification challenge has… Read More

Cadence Acquires Forte

Cadence Acquires Forte
by Paul McLellan on 02-05-2014 at 4:46 pm

Cadence today announced that it is acquiring Forte Design Systems. Forte was the earliest of the high-level synthesis (HLS) companies. There were earlier products. Synopsys had Behavioral Compiler and Cadence had a product whose name I forget (Visual Architect?), but both products were too early and were canceled. Cadence … Read More

Who needs DDR4 PHY running at 2667 Mbps?

Who needs DDR4 PHY running at 2667 Mbps?
by Eric Esteve on 02-02-2014 at 11:15 am

As of today, DDR4 are targeting server, networking and consumer applications, and it will take another year before we use DDR4 equipped PC at home. In fact, a majority of consumers will rather buy a smartphone or tablet than a PC, most of these devices coming with PLDDR2 and only a few high-end tablets are equipped with LPDDR3 memory.… Read More

Update on a Space-Based Router for IC Design

Update on a Space-Based Router for IC Design
by Daniel Payne on 01-31-2014 at 11:50 am

When I started my IC design career back in 1978 all IC routing was done manually, today however we have many automated approaches to IC routing that save time and do a more thorough job than manual routing. To get an update on space-based routers for IC design I connected with Yuval Shay at Cadence today. The basic idea behind a spaced-based… Read More