Why should you be a part of SemiWiki? Two reasons: One, SemiWiki is an excellent semiconductor networking tool. Quite often “who you know” comes into play in your professional life so network-network-network. Two, SemiWiki is all about personal branding. Establish yourself as a person of interest in your chosen field and opportunities will come to you, absolutely.
Today everything and everyone is connected and crowd sourced. In fact, all social media, from blogs, to forums, and wikis have a profound impact on how people communicate, search for information, and make decisions.
If you are a SemiWiki member you can blog, start forum discussions, create wikis, post events to the calendar, send private emails to other members, etc… As an example, the SemiWiki calendar is a high traffic area. When you post an upcoming event your picture and a link to your profile appears with it for all to see. Seriously, I get stopped quite frequently with a, “Hey you are one of the SemiWiki guys!”
Another example is wikis. The most popular wiki contributed by a member has been viewed more than 37k times. This list is a compilation over many years of mergers and acquisitions in the EDA market. The original compilation was done by an individual (Ian Getreu) and is not an official list associated with any company or organization:
A Compilation of EDA Company Merger Listing All the Logos an EDA Company Owns
As a SemiWiki Member you may adopt a screen name to protect your identity but you must register with real names and your LinkedIn profile. Only semiconductor professionals with LinkedIn profiles qualify as SemiWiki Members and all Member information will be held in the strictest confidence. SemiWiki does NOT rent, sell, or trade member information.
Branding works best when you use your real name but that is your choice. I started blogging five years ago and have found it to be an incredible experience. It was rough going in the beginning. In fact I cringe when I look back at some of my first blogs. Fortunately, over the years we have developed a blogging recipe and we would be happy to share it with you. It is a bit of work but at the end of the day you will find writing to be a mind expanding experience, absolutely. And if writing a book is on your bucket list blogging is a great start!
While Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines will continue to play an important role in social media, KNOWLEDGE SHARINGsites like SemiWiki are the new search. The role of user generated content has changed the way information is exchanged. SemiWiki brings technology and technologists closer together than ever before, providing in-demand content and facilitating peer-to-peer communications using Web 2.0 technologies.
User generated content through open collaboration is also called conversational media. In the case of SemiWiki it includes more than one million semiconductor professionals and people interested in the semiconductor industry collaborating around the world. SemiWiki also works closely with more than 40 companies in the fabless semiconductor ecosystem and that means access. Just imagine the possibilities…
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