Power Integrity from 3DIC to Board

Power Integrity from 3DIC to Board
by Bernard Murphy on 09-14-2017 at 7:00 am

The semiconductor industry has built decades of success on hyper-integration to increase functionality and performance while also reducing system cost. But the standard way to do this, to jam more and more functionality onto a single die, breaks down when some of the functions you want to integrate are built in different processes.… Read More

Margin Call

Margin Call
by Bernard Murphy on 06-04-2017 at 7:00 am

A year ago, I wrote about Ansys’ intro of Big Data methods into the world of power integrity analysis. The motivation behind this advance was introduced in another blog, questioning how far margin-based approaches to complex multi-dimensional analyses could go. An accurate analysis of power integrity in a complex chip should… Read More

FinFETs, Power Integrity and Chip/Package Co-design

FinFETs, Power Integrity and Chip/Package Co-design
by Bernard Murphy on 02-18-2016 at 7:00 am

FinFETs have brought a lot of good things to design – higher performance, higher density and lower leakage power – promising to extend Moore’s law for a least a while longer. But inevitably with new advances come new challenges, especially around optimizing for power integrity in these designs.

One of these challenges is… Read More

Why You Really Need Chip-Package Co-analysis

Why You Really Need Chip-Package Co-analysis
by Daniel Payne on 08-28-2015 at 12:00 pm

There’s only one software company that I know of that covers four major disciplines: Fluids, Structures, Electronics and Systems. That company is ANSYS and when they acquired Apache Design Automation back in 2011 they filled out their products for electronics design, and more specifically in the area of integrated chip-package… Read More

A Complete Simulation Platform for Mobile Systems

A Complete Simulation Platform for Mobile Systems
by Pawan Fangaria on 08-23-2015 at 7:00 am

If we take an insight into the semiconductor industry, we can easily find that mobile systems are the main drivers of this industry. The Smartphone business has remained at the top since a good number of years. Although the Smartphone sales growth has started showing a sign of stagnation, it is still a main contributor with a solid… Read More

An Universe of Formats for IP Validation

An Universe of Formats for IP Validation
by Pawan Fangaria on 06-19-2015 at 4:30 pm

Although I knew about Crossfire’s capabilities for signing off quality of an IP before its integration into an SoC, there was much more to learn about this tool when I visited Fractal Technologies booth during this DAC. The complexity handled by this tool to qualify any type of IP for its integration into an SoC can be imagined by the… Read More

A Key Partner in the Semiconductor Ecosystem

A Key Partner in the Semiconductor Ecosystem
by Pawan Fangaria on 05-19-2015 at 5:00 pm

Often we hear about isolated instances of excellence from various companies in the semiconductor industry which contribute significantly in building the overall ecosystem. While the individual excellence is essential, it’s rather more important how that excellence is utilized in a larger way by the industry to create a ‘value… Read More

ANSYS Enters the League of 10nm Designs with TSMC

ANSYS Enters the League of 10nm Designs with TSMC
by Pawan Fangaria on 04-09-2015 at 7:00 pm

The way we are seeing technology progression these days is unprecedented. It’s just about six months ago, I had written about the intense collaboration between ANSYSand TSMCon the 16nm FinFET based design flow and TSMC certifying ANSYS tools for TSMC 16nm FF+ technology and also conferring ANSYS with “Partner of the Year” award.… Read More

On-Chip Power Integrity Analysis Moves to the Package

On-Chip Power Integrity Analysis Moves to the Package
by Tom Simon on 03-11-2015 at 1:00 am

Power regimes for contemporary SOC’s now include a large number of voltage domains. Rail voltages are matched closely to the performance and power requirements of various portions of the design. Indeed, some of the supply voltages are so low that the noise margins in these domains is exceedingly low. Higher voltage domains are… Read More