IoT chipsets and enterprise emulation tools

IoT chipsets and enterprise emulation tools
by Don Dingee on 10-16-2015 at 12:00 pm

When most people talk about the IoT, it is usually all about wearables-this and low-power-that – because everyone is chasing the next huge consumer post-mobile device market. Mobile devices have provided the model. The smartphone is the on-ramp to the IoT for most consumers, with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and LTE, and maybe a dozen or … Read More

3 Essential Rules for IoT Businesses

3 Essential Rules for IoT Businesses
by Rushi Gajjar on 09-28-2015 at 4:00 pm

There are multiple opinions on from different sources which make the world so obsessed with the IoT. But really, Internet of things is far bigger than anyone realizes. Some people tell that it’s the term given to the connected things and it’s just about providing IPv6 to any “thing” that is available in… Read More

TSMC OIP: What to Do With 20,000 Wafers Per Day

TSMC OIP: What to Do With 20,000 Wafers Per Day
by Paul McLellan on 09-17-2015 at 4:42 pm

Today it is TSMC’s OIP Ecosystem Innovation forum. This is an annual event but is also a semi-annual update on TSMC’s processes, investment, volume ramps and more. TSMC have changed the rules for the conference this year: they have published all the presentations by their partners/customers. Tom Quan of TSMC told… Read More

The Internet of Sensors

The Internet of Sensors
by Paul McLellan on 09-17-2015 at 7:00 am

The internet of things (IoT) has a number of key attributes: low power, security, connectivity. But almost every IoT application involves sensors of one sort or another. The visual sensors are built using CCD arrays, they are basically low-resolution cameras, but the mechanical ones are typically built using MEMS technology.… Read More

IoT – The Future?

IoT – The Future?
by dineshsmca on 09-11-2015 at 7:00 am

I was hesitating to write on this topic as I thought I was not a subject matter expert on IoT. Nevertheless, I understood that if you’ve a penchant to understand what’s happening around you and stretch a bit to peek into the future then you can comfortably predict what’s going to be the emergent technology that’s… Read More

Last line of defense for IoT security

Last line of defense for IoT security
by Don Dingee on 08-27-2015 at 12:00 pm

If I grab 10 technologists and ask what are the most important issues surrounding the Internet of Things today, one of the popular answers will be “security.” If I then ask them what IoT security means, I probably get 10 different answers. Encryption. Transport protocols. Authentication. Keying. Firewalls. Secure boot. Over-the-air… Read More

Ultra-low Power IP for Wearables

Ultra-low Power IP for Wearables
by Paul McLellan on 07-28-2015 at 7:00 am

Wearables and the Internet of Things (IoT) in general are all about low power. Everyone must have read (or even experienced) the phenomenon of putting something like a Fitbit on and then after a short period leaving it in a drawer or putting it to recharge and forgetting about it for weeks. The longer devices can last the more likely… Read More

Internet of Things Bubble?

Internet of Things Bubble?
by Bill Jewell on 07-15-2015 at 10:00 pm

Speaking at the World Business Forum in Sydney, Australia in May, Steve Wonziak (cofounder of Apple) said about the Internet of Things : “I feel it’s kind of like a bubble, because there is a pace at which human beings can change the way they do things. There are tons of companies starting up.” According to market… Read More

SEMICON Day 3: Leti, Intel Keynote, 450mm (Pic!) and Innovation Keynote

SEMICON Day 3: Leti, Intel Keynote, 450mm (Pic!) and Innovation Keynote
by Paul McLellan on 07-15-2015 at 11:59 am

Let’s start with yesterday evening, so technically yesterday. It was July 14th, which is the equivalent of Independence Day in France. So the perfect day for Leti, based in Grenoble, to present a lot of the work that they are doing on 3D “more than Moore” type technologies, including photonics. Also, wafer-scale… Read More

SEMICON Day 1: IoT Everywhere…and China

SEMICON Day 1: IoT Everywhere…and China
by Paul McLellan on 07-14-2015 at 5:00 pm

The first day of SEMICON West for me is usually imec day. They have a full day of presentations. But I saw the most interesting ones in Brussels recently so I decided to go to the SEMI/Gartner day instead. They run in parallel ballrooms in the Marriot on 4th street.

To me there were two big themes. One was the unavoidable internet of things… Read More