Formal and High-Level Synthesis

Formal and High-Level Synthesis
by Bernard Murphy on 01-22-2020 at 6:00 am

SLEC verification

Formal verification has made significant inroads in RTL and gate-level verification because it provides complementary strengths to conventional dynamic verification methods; using both provides higher levels of coverage and confidence in the correctness of an implementation. I haven’t heard as much about formal use in … Read More

AI Hardware Summit, Report #2: Lowering Power at the Edge with HLS

AI Hardware Summit, Report #2: Lowering Power at the Edge with HLS
by Randy Smith on 09-30-2019 at 10:00 am

I previously wrote a blog about a session from Day 1 of the AI Hardware Summit at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA, held just last week. From Day 2, I want to delve into this presentation by Bryan Bowyer, Director of Engineering, Digital Design & Implementation Solutions Division at Mentor, a Siemens Business.… Read More

Konica Minolta Talks About High-Level Synthesis using C++

Konica Minolta Talks About High-Level Synthesis using C++
by Daniel Payne on 07-11-2019 at 8:00 am

Konica Minolta printer

In the early days of chip design circa 1970’s the engineers would write logic equations, then manually reduce that logic using Karnaugh Maps. Next, we had the first generation of logic synthesis in the early 1980’s, which read in a gate-level netlist, performed logic reduction, then output a smaller gate-level netlist.… Read More

An AI Accelerator Ecosystem For High-Level Synthesis

An AI Accelerator Ecosystem For High-Level Synthesis
by Bernard Murphy on 07-01-2019 at 10:00 am

AI accelerators as engines for object or speech recognition (among many possibilities), are becoming increasingly popular for inference in mobile and power-constrained applications. Today much of this inferencing runs largely in software on CPUs or GPUs thanks to the sheer size of the smartphone market, but that will shift… Read More

The Implications of the Rise of AI/ML in the Cloud

The Implications of the Rise of AI/ML in the Cloud
by Randy Smith on 06-14-2019 at 10:00 am

Recently, Daniel Nenni blogged on the presentation Wally Rhines gave at #56th DAC. Daniel provided a great summary, but I want to dive into a portion of the presentation in more detail. I love Wally’s presentations, but sometimes you cannot absorb the wealth of information he provides when you initially see it. It’s… Read More

Update on SystemC for High-Level Synthesis

Update on SystemC for High-Level Synthesis
by Tom Dillinger on 03-26-2019 at 12:00 am

The scope of current system designs continues to present challenges to verification and implementation engineering teams. The algorithmic complexity of image/voice processing applications needs a high-level language description for efficient representation. The development and testing of embedded firmware routines… Read More

Mentor Showcases Digital Twin Demo

Mentor Showcases Digital Twin Demo
by Bernard Murphy on 03-06-2019 at 6:00 am

Mentor put on a very interesting tutorial at DVCon this year. Commonly DVCon tutorials center around a single tool; less commonly (in my recent experience) they will detail a solution flow but still within the confines of chip or chip + software design. It is rare indeed to see presentations on a full system design including realistic… Read More

Catapult Design Checker Finds Coding Errors Before High Level Synthesis

Catapult Design Checker Finds Coding Errors Before High Level Synthesis
by Camille Kokozaki on 11-26-2018 at 12:00 pm

In a recent whitepaper Gagandeep Singh, Director of Engineering at Mentor, a Siemens Business outlines a flow using Catapult Design Checker that helps in early detection of coding errors as many companies are turning to High-Level Synthesis (HLS) methodology. This requires that high -level C++ models are correct, that ambiguities… Read More

Computer Vision and High-Level Synthesis

Computer Vision and High-Level Synthesis
by Daniel Payne on 03-15-2018 at 12:00 pm

Computer vision as a research topic has been around since the 1960’s and we are enjoying the benefits of this work in modern-day products all around us as robots with computer vision are performing an increasing number of tasks, even our farmers are using computer vision systems to become more productive:

  • AgEagle® has a drone
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HLS Rising

HLS Rising
by Bernard Murphy on 12-26-2017 at 7:00 am

No-one could accuse Badru Agarwala, GM of the Mentor/Siemens Calypto Division, of being tentative about high-level synthesis. (HLS). Then again, he and a few others around the industry have been selling this story for quite a while, apparently to a small and not always attentive audience. But times seem to be changing. I’ve written… Read More