Non-EUV Exposures in EUV Lithography Systems Provide the Floor for Stochastic Defects in EUV Lithography

Non-EUV Exposures in EUV Lithography Systems Provide the Floor for Stochastic Defects in EUV Lithography
by Fred Chen on 01-18-2024 at 10:00 am

Defocus flare (small)

EUV lithography is a complicated process with many factors affecting the production of the final image. The EUV light itself doesn’t directly generate the images, but acts through secondary electrons which are released as a result of ionization by incoming EUV photons. Consequently, we need to be aware of the fluctuations… Read More

Application-Specific Lithography: Sense Amplifier and Sub-Wordline Driver Metal Patterning in DRAM

Application-Specific Lithography: Sense Amplifier and Sub-Wordline Driver Metal Patterning in DRAM
by Fred Chen on 12-25-2023 at 10:00 am

Varying pitch in metal lines in DRAM periphery

On a DRAM chip, the patterning of features outside the cell array can be just as challenging as those within the array itself. While the array contains features which are the most densely packed, at least they are regularly arranged. On the other hand, outside the array, the regularity is lost, but the in the most difficult cases, … Read More

BEOL Mask Reduction Using Spacer-Defined Vias and Cuts

BEOL Mask Reduction Using Spacer-Defined Vias and Cuts
by Fred Chen on 12-06-2023 at 6:00 am

BEOL Mask Reduction Using Spacer Defined Vias and Cuts

In recent advanced nodes, via and cut patterning have constituted a larger and larger portion of the overall BEOL mask count. The advent of SALELE [1,2] caused mask count to increase for EUV as well, resulting in costs no longer being competitive with DUV down to 3nm [3]. Further development by TEL [4] has shown the possibility for… Read More

The Significance of Point Spread Functions with Stochastic Behavior in Electron-Beam Lithography

The Significance of Point Spread Functions with Stochastic Behavior in Electron-Beam Lithography
by Fred Chen on 10-31-2023 at 10:00 am

Electron Beam Lithography

Electron beam lithography is commercially used to directly write submicron patterns onto advanced node masks. With the advent of EUV masks and nanometer-scale NIL (nanoimprint lithography), multi-beam writers are now being used, compensating the ultralow throughput of a single high-resolution electron beam with the use… Read More

ASML- Absolutely Solid Monopoly in Lithography- Ignoring hysteria & stupidity

ASML- Absolutely Solid Monopoly in Lithography- Ignoring hysteria & stupidity
by Robert Maire on 10-17-2023 at 8:00 am

ASML Monopoly
  • This past weeks over-reaction to Canon echoes the Sculpta Scare
  • Nanoimprint has made huge strides but is still not at all competitive
  • Shows basic lack of understanding of technology by some pundits
  • Chip industry has been searching for alternatives that don’t exist
Much ado about nothing much…..

This past week we … Read More

SPIE- EUV & Photomask conference- Anticipating High NA- Mask Size Matters- China

SPIE- EUV & Photomask conference- Anticipating High NA- Mask Size Matters- China
by Robert Maire on 10-09-2023 at 6:00 am

Conference EUV Lithography

– SPIE EUV & Photomask conference well attended with great talks
– Chip industry focused on next gen High NA EUV & what it impacts
– Do big chips=big masks? Another Actinic tool?
– AI & chip tools, a game changer- China pre-empting more sanctions

The SPIE EUV & Photomask conference in Monterey
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Micron Chip & Memory Down Cycle – It Ain’t Over Til it’s Over Maybe Longer and Deeper

Micron Chip & Memory Down Cycle – It Ain’t Over Til it’s Over Maybe Longer and Deeper
by Robert Maire on 10-01-2023 at 6:00 pm

china 800 pound gorilla
  • The memory down cycle is longer/deeper than many thought
  • The recovery will be slower than past cycles- a “U” rather than “V”
  • AI & new apps don’t make up for macro weakness
  •  Negative for overall semis & equip- Could China extend downcycle?
Micron report suggests a longer deeper down cycle
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Has U.S. already lost Chip war to China? Is Taiwan’s silicon shield a liability?

Has U.S. already lost Chip war to China? Is Taiwan’s silicon shield a liability?
by Robert Maire on 09-20-2023 at 6:00 am

SMIC 7nm
  • Huawei’s 7NM chip? This wasn’t supposed to happen
  • Are Chips a weapon for U.S. or China? Role reversal?
  • Will Taiwan turn from protected asset to unwanted liability?
  • Are sanctions so porous that US has already lost to China?
While EUV is critical to advanced chips there are workarounds

Many people either thought or assumed… Read More

Stochastic Model for Acid Diffusion in DUV Chemically Amplified Resists

Stochastic Model for Acid Diffusion in DUV Chemically Amplified Resists
by Fred Chen on 09-11-2023 at 8:00 am

Stochastic Model for Acid Diffusion in DUV Chemically Amplified Resists 1

Recent articles have focused much effort on studying the stochastic behavior of secondary electron exposure of EUV resists [1-4]. Here, we consider the implications of extending similar treatments to DUV lithography.

Basic Model Setup

As before, the model uses pixel-by-pixel calculations of absorbed photon dose, followed… Read More

Modeling EUV Stochastic Defects with Secondary Electron Blur

Modeling EUV Stochastic Defects with Secondary Electron Blur
by Fred Chen on 08-30-2023 at 8:00 am

Modeling EUV Stochastic Defects With Secondary Electron Blur

Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography is often represented as benefiting from the 13.5 nm wavelength (actually it is a range of wavelengths, mostly ~13.2-13.8 nm), when actually it works through the action of secondary electrons, electrons released by photoelectrons which are themselves released from ionization by absorbed… Read More