Can FD-SOI Change the Rule of Game?

Can FD-SOI Change the Rule of Game?
by Pawan Fangaria on 06-18-2015 at 12:00 pm

It appears so. Why there is so much rush towards FD-SOI in recent days? Before talking about the game, let me reflect a bit on the FD-SOI technology first. The FD-SOI at 28nm claims to be the most power-efficient and lesser cost technology compared to any other technology available at that node. There are many other advantages from… Read More

The Transistor is the Foundation of TCAD to Signoff

The Transistor is the Foundation of TCAD to Signoff
by Paul McLellan on 06-04-2015 at 7:00 am

At the most basic level, semiconductor design is all about transistors. Any report on a large microprocessor or mobile application processor is in awe about how many transistors it contains. Moore’s Law is all about the most economic way to manufacture transistors. Each process generation for the last decade and looking ahead… Read More

Analog Market Leaders Eyeing on IoT Applications

Analog Market Leaders Eyeing on IoT Applications
by Pawan Fangaria on 05-15-2015 at 12:00 pm

When we talk about analog IC market, one can easily guess who the leader with lion’s share in the market is. There are also next level leaders with impressive growth rates in this market. The analog market as such is poised to grow with Internet of Things (IoT) because it supplies some of the key components such as data converters, op… Read More

Can You Really Automate Analog IC Layout?

Can You Really Automate Analog IC Layout?
by Daniel Payne on 04-30-2015 at 7:00 pm

Digital IC design has been largely automated with high-level languages, RTL coding, logic synthesis, and automated place and route tools. What about analog IC layout automation, is it possible? A few EDA companies think that it is possible and even practical. In recent memory there were two companies really focused on analog … Read More

SEMI Wafers to Wallstreet – New England Forum March 12, 2015

SEMI Wafers to Wallstreet – New England Forum March 12, 2015
by Scotten Jones on 04-02-2015 at 4:00 pm

On March 12 SEMI held a New England Forum breakfast event entitled “Wafers to Wallstreet” with four speakers. The main focus of the discussion was on the “Internet of Things” and the following are my impression from the talks in a bullet point format.

Device Scaling and Performance in the Era of IoT – Gary Rosen, Applied MaterialsRead More

Inside tips on Tanner L-Edit toolbox

Inside tips on Tanner L-Edit toolbox
by Don Dingee on 02-02-2015 at 7:00 am

Advanced skill in auto repair, carpentry, plumbing, and similar trades often correlates to one factor. Knowing what you want to do is one thing – having the proper tool is another, and can make the difference. Many a job has extended from minutes to hours over the lack of the right tool at the right moment. Experienced mechanics and… Read More

Methodology Help for Analog IC Designers

Methodology Help for Analog IC Designers
by Daniel Payne on 12-25-2014 at 7:00 am

Digital designers are more numerous than analog IC designers, and so they tend to get more attention from EDA vendors in terms of tools and automation methodologies. For an analog design team with specialists focused separately on schematics and layout there are several methodology questions that need to be addressed, like:… Read More

Coverage Driven Analog Verification

Coverage Driven Analog Verification
by Paul McLellan on 11-25-2014 at 7:00 am

Ad hoc digital design verification approaches ran out of steam at least a decade ago when designs got intractably large to make it feasible to keep track of everything with pen and paper and excel. But analog design has remained largely ad hoc to this day. The designer runs spice, looks at the waveforms that come out and decide whether… Read More

Adding a Digital Block to an Analog Design

Adding a Digital Block to an Analog Design
by Daniel Payne on 10-30-2014 at 7:00 am

My engineering background includes designing at the transistor-level, so I was drawn to attend a webinar today presented by Tanner EDAand Incentia about Adding a Digital Block to an Analog Design. Many of the 30,000 users of Tanner tools have been doing AMS designs, so adding logic synthesis and static timing analysis from IncentiaRead More

Cadence Mixed Signal Technology Forum

Cadence Mixed Signal Technology Forum
by Paul McLellan on 10-29-2014 at 7:00 am

Yesterday was Cadence’s annual mixed-signal technology forum. I think that there was a definite theme running through many of the presentations, namely that wireless communication of one kind or another is on a sharp rise with more and more devices needing to connect to WiFi, Bluetooth and so on. This was most obvious during… Read More