Wally Rhines Predicts the Future of AI at #60DAC

Wally Rhines Predicts the Future of AI at #60DAC
by Mike Gianfagna on 07-26-2023 at 10:00 am

Wally Rhines Predicts the Future of AI at DAC

Dr. Walden Rhines has appeared many times on SemiWiki. His discussions touch on a variety of topics, most recently on the health of EDA and IP. His knowledge of our industry is substantial, and he always seems to have a new take on the trends and technologies that are unfolding around us. So, when Wally took the stage for a keynote address… Read More

Requirements for Multi-Die System Success

Requirements for Multi-Die System Success
by Daniel Nenni on 06-16-2023 at 6:00 am

Synopsys Chiplet Report 2023

Chiplets continue to be a hot topic on SemiWiki, conferences, white papers, webinars and one of the most active chiplet enabling vendors we work with is Synopsys. Synopsys is the #1 EDA and #1 IP company so that makes complete sense.

As you may have read, I moderated a panel on Chiplets at the last SNUG which we continue to write about.

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Podcast EP152: An Informal Conversation with Aart de Geus on AI and Multi-Die at SNUG

Podcast EP152: An Informal Conversation with Aart de Geus on AI and Multi-Die at SNUG
by Daniel Nenni on 04-10-2023 at 2:00 pm

This is a special edition of our podcast series. At the recent Synopsys SNUG User Group, SemiWiki staff writer Kalar Rajendiran got the opportunity to conduct an informal interview with Aart de Geus, Chairman and CEO of Synopsys.

What follows are some of Aart’s thoughts on the deployment of AI across the semiconductor … Read More

Synopsys Crosses $5 Billion Milestone!

Synopsys Crosses $5 Billion Milestone!
by Daniel Nenni on 12-14-2022 at 6:00 am

Synopsys NASDAQ SemiWiki

“We intend to grow revenue 14% to 15%, continue to drive notable ops margin expansion and aim for approximately 16% non-GAAP earnings per share growth.”

Synopsys, Inc. (NASDAQ:SNPS) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

Synopsys is the EDA bellwether since they report early and are the #1 EDA and #1 IP company.  In addition to crossing… Read More

An EDA AI Master Class by Synopsys CEO Aart de Geus

An EDA AI Master Class by Synopsys CEO Aart de Geus
by Daniel Nenni on 08-19-2022 at 8:00 am

Aart de Geus White House

I consider Dr. Aart de Geus one of the founding fathers of EDA and one of the most interesting people in the semiconductor industry. So it is not a surprise that Aart was chosen to attend the CHIPs Act signing at the White House.

Here is his current corporate bio:

Since co-founding Synopsys in 1986, Dr. Aart de Geus has expanded Synopsys… Read More

The Most Interesting CEO in Semiconductors!

The Most Interesting CEO in Semiconductors!
by Daniel Nenni on 10-21-2020 at 6:00 am

GTC 2020 Lip Bu Tan

Hands down, without a doubt, the most interesting CEO in semiconductors is Lip-Bu Tan, founder of Walden Capitol and current CEO of Cadence Design Systems. If you want to talk about a man with a plan it’s Lip-Bu Tan.

Before we get into the fireside chat between Tom Caufield and Lip-Bu at the GTC 2020 Virtual event let’s do a quick biography:… Read More

ESD Alliance CEO Outlook Features Powerhouse Lineup

ESD Alliance CEO Outlook Features Powerhouse Lineup
by Bob Smith on 05-09-2019 at 2:00 pm

Just two more weeks before the 2019 CEO Outlook Thursday, May 23, at SEMI. If you haven’t registered yet, do so today. We’re expecting a full house as a result of our powerhouse lineup and networking opportunities.

That lineup includes Ed Sperling, editor in chief of Semiconductor Engineering, who will serve as moderator. Panelists… Read More

China Innovation Forum and ES DESIGN West

China Innovation Forum and ES DESIGN West
by Daniel Nenni on 03-15-2019 at 7:00 am

esdes west19homebnnr 1920x969

I had a chat with Bob Smith, Executive Director of ESD Alliance, about the upcoming SEMI conference in China. More than 100,000 people are expected to attend which is beyond my comprehension. SEMICON in San Francisco is maybe 20,000 people which is the largest conference I attend. I’m not sure if the Design Automation Conference… Read More

AI and the Domain Specific Architecture

AI and the Domain Specific Architecture
by Daniel Nenni on 10-03-2018 at 7:00 am

Last month I attended the 2018 U.S. Executive Forum where Wally Rhines was one of the keynotes. I was also lucky enough to have lunch with Wally afterwards and talk about his presentation in more detail and he sent me his slides which are attached to the end of this blog.

The nice thing about Wally’s presentations is that they are not … Read More

IP-SoC 2017: IP Innovation, Foundries, Low Power and Security

IP-SoC 2017: IP Innovation, Foundries, Low Power and Security
by Eric Esteve on 12-03-2017 at 12:00 pm

The 20[SUP]th[/SUP] IP-SoC conference will be held in Grenoble, France, on December 6-7, 2017. IP-SoC is not just a marketing fest, it’s the unique IP centric conference, with presentations reflecting the complete IP ecosystem: IP suppliers, foundries, industry trends and applications, with a focus on automotive. It will … Read More