What’s the Intel Capex Outlook?

What’s the Intel Capex Outlook?
by Robert Maire on 10-23-2016 at 7:00 am

Intel has terrific QTR & slightly light guide Intel is recovering & transforming at the same time. Whats the Capex outlook? Impact on ASML KLAC LRCX?

Intel reported revenues of $15.78B and earnings of $0.80 for the quarter beating expectations and previous upward guidance. CCG (PCs) were up 21% Q/Q and 5% Y/Y. Data center… Read More

AMAT reports strong Q and even better guidance

AMAT reports strong Q and even better guidance
by Robert Maire on 08-21-2016 at 4:00 pm

Last quarter we said that AMAT got its mojo back and it appears to have even picked up speed going into the end of a strong year.

The display business which had been less than reliable in years past has come up with back to back home runs. Applied is growing both its top and bottom line at well above the sluggish market rates and is clearly… Read More

IMEC Technology Forum (ITF) – Secrets of Semiconductor Scaling

IMEC Technology Forum (ITF) – Secrets of Semiconductor Scaling
by Scotten Jones on 06-07-2016 at 4:00 pm

IMEC is a technology research center located in Belgium that is one of the premier semiconductor research centers in the world today. The IMEC Technology Forum (ITF) is a two-day event attended by approximately 1,000 people to showcase the work done by IMEC and their partners.… Read More

IEDM Blogs – Part 4 – IMEC InGaAs Channel for 3D NAND

IEDM Blogs – Part 4 – IMEC InGaAs Channel for 3D NAND
by Scotten Jones on 12-28-2015 at 4:00 pm

At IEDM IMEC presented “MOCVD In[SUB]1-x[/SUB]Ga[SUB]x[/SUB]As high mobility channel for 3-D NAND Memory” authored by E. Capogreco, J. G. Lisoni, A. Arreghini, A. Subirats, B. Kunert, W. Guo, T. Maurice, C.-L. Tan, R. Degraeve, K. De Meyer, G. Van den bosch, and J. Van Houdt.

On December 15[SUP]th[/SUP] I had the opportunity … Read More

Moore’s Law is dead, long live Moore’s Law – part 5

Moore’s Law is dead, long live Moore’s Law – part 5
by Scotten Jones on 04-22-2015 at 4:00 am

In the first four installments of this series we have examined Moore’s law, described the drivers that have enabled Moore’s law and discussed the specific status and issues around DRAM and logic. In this final installment we will examine NAND Flash.… Read More

AMAT Earnings Call: Next Generation FinFETs?

AMAT Earnings Call: Next Generation FinFETs?
by Paul McLellan on 02-15-2015 at 9:00 am

The Applied Materials earnings call was last week. As usual I”m not all that interested in the financial details of the quarter and I’m certainly not the person to pick whether the stock is going to go up or down in the immediate future. However, there is always interesting information to be gleaned from the semiconductor… Read More

SEMICON Update: 450mm, EUV, FinFET, and More

SEMICON Update: 450mm, EUV, FinFET, and More
by Scotten Jones on 07-19-2014 at 3:00 pm

I spent all of last week at SEMICON West meeting with customers, potential customers, partners and various industry analysts and experts. I was involved in many interesting discussions over the course of the week and I thought I would share some of the more interesting observations:

Alternate Fin Materials Pushed Out
I have for… Read More