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Samsung Ugly as Expected Profits off 69% Winning a Game of CAPEX Chicken

Samsung Ugly as Expected Profits off 69% Winning a Game of CAPEX Chicken
by Robert Maire on 01-09-2023 at 6:00 am

Samsung 2022

-Samsung off the same chip cliff as Micron- “No skid marks”
-Samsung may be winning at a game of “Capex Chicken”
-No expectation of recovery any time soon – Consumers weak
-2023 a write off- Recovery will be delayed if spending isn’t

Samsungs worst quarter in 8 years no surprise

Samsung pre… Read More

IEDM 2022 – TSMC 3nm

IEDM 2022 – TSMC 3nm
by Scotten Jones on 01-02-2023 at 6:00 am


TSMC presented two papers on 3nm at the 2022 IEDM; “Critical Process features Enabling Aggressive Contacted Gate Pitch Scaling for 3nm CMOS Technology and Beyond” and “A 3nm CMOS FinFlexTM Platform Technology with Enhanced Power Efficiency and Performance for Mobile SOC and High Performance Computing Applications”.

When … Read More

TSMC OIP – Analog Cell Migration

TSMC OIP – Analog Cell Migration
by Daniel Payne on 12-12-2022 at 10:00 am

Analog Cell min

The world of analog cell design and migration is quite different from digital, because the inputs and outputs to an analog cell often have a continuously variable voltage level over time, instead of just switching between 1 and 0. Kenny Hsieh of TSMC presented on the topic of analog cell migration at the recent North American OIP Read More

IEDM 2022 – Ann Kelleher of Intel – Plenary Talk

IEDM 2022 – Ann Kelleher of Intel – Plenary Talk
by Scotten Jones on 12-06-2022 at 10:00 am

Ann 2022 IEDM Plenary Dec. 5 Roadmap Slide

Ann Kelleher is Intel’s Executive Vice President, General Manager, Technology Development, and she gave the first plenary talk to kick off the 2022 IEDM, “Celebrating 75 Years of the Transistor A Look at the Evolution of Moore’s Law Innovation”. I am generally not a fan of plenary talks because I think they are often too broad and… Read More

Achieving 400W Thermal Envelope for AI Datacenter SoCs

Achieving 400W Thermal Envelope for AI Datacenter SoCs
by Kalar Rajendiran on 12-05-2022 at 10:00 am

Alchip BlockDiagram Oct 26 2022 tsmc na oip presentation

Successful ASIC providers offer top-notch infrastructure and methodologies that can accommodate varied demands from a multitude of customers. Such ASIC providers also need access to best-in-class IP portfolio, advanced packaging and test capabilities, and heterogeneous chiplet integration capability among other things.… Read More

Samsung Versus TSMC Update 2022

Samsung Versus TSMC Update 2022
by Daniel Nenni on 12-02-2022 at 6:00 am

TSMC Versus Samsung

After attending the TSMC and Samsung foundry conferences I wanted to share some quick opinions about the foundry business. Nothing earth shattering but interesting just the same. Both conferences were well attended. If we are not back to the pre pandemic numbers we are very close to it.

TSMC and Samsung both acknowledged that there… Read More

TSMC OIP – Enabling System Innovation

TSMC OIP – Enabling System Innovation
by Daniel Payne on 11-25-2022 at 6:00 am

TSMC OIP roadmap min

On November 10th I watched the presentation by L.C. Lu, TSMC Fellow & VP, as he talked about enabling system innovation with dozens of slides in just 26 minutes. TSMC is the number one semiconductor foundry in the world, and their Open Innovation Platform (OIP) events are popular and well attended as the process technology and… Read More

TSMC Expands the OIP Ecosystem!

TSMC Expands the OIP Ecosystem!
by Daniel Nenni on 10-28-2022 at 6:00 am

TSMC OIP 2022 Roadmap

This was the 12th TSMC OIP and it did not disappoint. The attendance was back to pre pandemic levels, there was interesting news and great presentations. We will cover the presentations in more depth after the virtual event which is on November 10th. You can register HERE.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the Jim Keller Keynote … Read More

Intel Foundry Services Forms Alliance to Enable National Security, Government Applications

Intel Foundry Services Forms Alliance to Enable National Security, Government Applications
by Daniel Nenni on 10-24-2022 at 6:30 am

USMAG Alliance

This will be the year of the semiconductor foundry ecosystem, absolutely. Right in between the Samsung SAFE Forum and the TSMC OIP Open Ecosystem Forum, Intel Foundry Services (IFS) just announced a United States Military, Aerospace, and Government (USMAG) Alliance.

Brilliant move, of course, due to the US Government now being… Read More

A Perspective on Semiconductor Manufacturing Initiatives & Strategies

A Perspective on Semiconductor Manufacturing Initiatives & Strategies
by Sagar Pushpala on 10-17-2022 at 10:00 am

A Perspective on Semiconductor Manufacturing Initiatives

My name is Sagar, and I’ve been a long-time executive in the semiconductor manufacturing world — holding key positions at large multi-nationals, a leading semiconductor foundry, and partnering with many of the top-tier foundries and OSATs. Since “retiring”, I’ve also spent time advising and investing in start-ups through Read More