Keysight webinar 800x100
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Collaboration at 28nm, 20nm and 14nm

Collaboration at 28nm, 20nm and 14nm
by Daniel Payne on 06-06-2012 at 11:23 am

Wednesday morning I attended a panel discussion with: ARM, IBM, Cadence, GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Samsung.

The panelists all sang the same song of collaboration between EDA, IP and Foundry to enable 28nm, 20nm and even 14nm.… Read More

Understanding and Designing For Variation in GLOBALFOUNDRIES 28nm

Understanding and Designing For Variation in GLOBALFOUNDRIES 28nm
by Daniel Nenni on 06-03-2012 at 8:30 pm

On Wednesday there is a User Track Poster Session that examines the design impact of process variation in GLOBALFOUNDRIES 28nm technology. For those of you who are wondering what process variation looks like at 20nm take this 28nm example and multiply it by one hundred (slight exaggeration, maybe).

Variation effects have a significant… Read More

Industry Standard FinFET versus Intel Tri-Gate!

Industry Standard FinFET versus Intel Tri-Gate!
by Daniel Nenni on 06-03-2012 at 6:00 pm

Ever since the “Intel Reinvents Transistors Using New 3-D Structure” PR campaign I have been at odds with them. As technologists, I have nothing but respect for Intel. The Intel PR department, however, quite frankly, is evil. Correct me if I’m wrong here but Intel did not “reinvent” the transistor. Nor did they come up with the name… Read More

Intel’s Tri-Gate May Have Moore Problems Than You Think!

Intel’s Tri-Gate May Have Moore Problems Than You Think!
by Daniel Nenni on 05-29-2012 at 7:00 pm

Clever title but it’s not mine. Piper Jaffray Analysts Auguste Richard and Jennifer Baxter released a report last week which echoed the concerns of others, including myself. The concerns reported are with the 22nm process and not the chipsets themselves. To me this is all part of ramping a leading edge process but the concerns are… Read More

Beyond 28nm: New Frontiers and Innovations in Design For Manufacturability at the Limits of the Scaling Roadmap

Beyond 28nm: New Frontiers and Innovations in Design For Manufacturability at the Limits of the Scaling Roadmap
by Daniel Nenni on 05-22-2012 at 9:00 pm

The introduction of 28nm high-volume production for IC semiconductor devices will usher the era of “extreme low-k1” manufacturing, i.e. the unprecedented situation in the long history of the silicon technology roadmap, where computationally intensive (and EDA-driven) Design-Technology Co-Optimization will become the… Read More

Intel Tri-Gate is in Trouble?!?!?!

Intel Tri-Gate is in Trouble?!?!?!
by Daniel Nenni on 05-22-2012 at 6:00 pm

Since the last Intel logo parody went over so well here is another one! Not so much a parody in light of the recent PR from Intel that the fabless semiconductor business model is doomed. As one of the doomed little people inside the fabless ecosystem I take exception to this but I digress….

The word around Silicon Valley is that Intel … Read More

Intel is Selling Itself Short on Trigate!

Intel is Selling Itself Short on Trigate!
by Ed McKernan on 05-17-2012 at 9:15 pm

Perhaps the most pertinent comment raised by an analyst at Intel’s Investor Forum last week came from Dan Hutcheson of VLSI Research to Brian Krzanich, the COO and head of global manufacturing and supply chain. He said: “I think you sold yourself short on Trigate, the benefit of fully depleted vs. planar and the impact on leakage.”… Read More