Keysight webinar 800x100
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TSMC 2022 Open Innovation Platform Ecosystem Forum Preview

TSMC 2022 Open Innovation Platform Ecosystem Forum Preview
by Daniel Nenni on 10-14-2022 at 6:00 am

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One of my favorite events is just around the corner and that is the TSMC OIP Ecosystem Forum and it’s at my favorite Silicon Valley venue the Santa Clara Convention Center. Nobody knows more about the inner workings of the ecosystem than TSMC so this is the premier semiconductor collaboration event, absolutely.

In my 40 years as a … Read More

A Memorable Samsung Event

A Memorable Samsung Event
by Daniel Nenni on 10-07-2022 at 6:00 am

Samsung DRAM Roadmap 2022

Samsung hosted its first-ever Samsung Tech Week Oct 3-5 with some insightful keynotes and great food. The week led off with Samsung Foundry Forum and a keynote from Foundry president, Si-Young Choi. Attendees at Samsung Foundry’s SAFE Forum were welcomed by Ryan Lee, head of the business’ Design Enablement team. John In-Young… Read More

Micron and Memory – Slamming on brakes after going off the cliff without skidmarks

Micron and Memory – Slamming on brakes after going off the cliff without skidmarks
by Robert Maire on 10-03-2022 at 10:00 am

Wiley Coyote Semiconductor Crash 2022 1

-Micron slams on the brakes of capacity & capex-
-But memory market is already over the cliff without skid marks
-It will likely take at least a year to sop up excess capacity
-Collateral impact on Samsung & others even more important

Micron hitting the brakes after memory market already impacts

Micron capped off an otherwise… Read More

Samsung Foundry Forum & SAFE™ Forum 2022

Samsung Foundry Forum & SAFE™ Forum 2022
by Daniel Nenni on 09-16-2022 at 6:00 am

SFF SAFE GLOBAL Banner 400 400

It has been an exciting time in the semiconductor industry and the excitement is far from over. Years 2022 and 2023 will be more challenging in many different ways and live activities have just begun. The cornerstones to the semiconductor industry are the foundries so I look forward to the live foundry events coming up in October,… Read More

Application-Specific Lithography: 5nm Node Gate Patterning

Application-Specific Lithography: 5nm Node Gate Patterning
by Fred Chen on 09-08-2022 at 6:00 am

Blur Limitations for EUV Exposure

It has recently been revealed that the N5 node from TSMC has a minimum gate pitch of 51 nm [1,2] with a channel length as small as 6 nm [2]. Such a tight channel length entails tight CD control in the patterning process, well under 0.5 nm. What are the possible lithography scenarios?

Blur Limitations for EUV Exposure

A state-of-the-art

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Does SMIC have 7nm and if so, what does it mean

Does SMIC have 7nm and if so, what does it mean
by Scotten Jones on 09-07-2022 at 10:00 am

SMIC 7nm

Recently TechInsights analyzed a Bitcoin Miner chip fabbed at SMIC and declared SMIC has a 7nm process. There has been some debate as to whether the SMIC process is really 7nm and what it means if it is 7nm. I wanted to discuss the case for and against the process being 7nm, and what I think it means.

First off, I want to say I am not going … Read More

Intel and TSMC do not Slow 3nm Expansion

Intel and TSMC do not Slow 3nm Expansion
by Daniel Nenni on 08-09-2022 at 10:00 am

Pat Gelsinger and CC Wei SemiWiki

The media has gone wild over a false report that Intel and TSMC are slowing down 3nm. It is all about sensationalism and getting clicks no matter what damage is done to the hardworking semiconductor people, companies and industry as a whole. And like lemmings jumping off a cliff, other less reputable media outlets perpetuated this… Read More

How TSMC Contributed to the Death of 450mm and Upset Intel in the Process

How TSMC Contributed to the Death of 450mm and Upset Intel in the Process
by Craig Addison on 08-05-2022 at 6:00 am

450mm wafer

Pinpointing exactly when 450mm died is tricky. Intel’s pullback in 2014 has been cited as a pivotal moment because it was the main backer of the proposed transition, as it had been for the shift to 150mm (6-inch) wafers in the early 1980s.

However, the participation of global foundry leader TSMC was also seen as crucial if 450mm wafers… Read More

Intel & Chips Act Passage Juxtaposition

Intel & Chips Act Passage Juxtaposition
by Robert Maire on 07-31-2022 at 6:00 am

Chips Act Corporate Welfare

-Need more/less spend & more/fewer chips
-The irony of chips act passage & Intel stumble on same day
-Due to excess supply of chips, Intel cuts spending
-Due to shortage of chips, the government increases spending
-How did this happen on the same day? Cosmic Coincidence?

Timing is everything

The irony of intel cutting spending… Read More

Intel Lands Top TSMC Customer

Intel Lands Top TSMC Customer
by Daniel Nenni on 07-25-2022 at 2:30 am

Intel Foundry and MediaTek

Most people will be surprised by this but after working in Taiwan for many years I quite expected it. Intel Announced that MediaTek will use Intel Foundry Services for FinFET based smart edge device chips. MediaTek will start with Intel 16nm technology which originated from the legendary 22nm, the first commercial FinFET process.… Read More