Primarius 2B

Mentor Graphics Update 2012!

Mentor Graphics Update 2012!
by Daniel Nenni on 05-30-2012 at 3:30 pm

What is new with Mentor? Quite a bit actually. About this time last year Corporate Raider Carl Icahn stirred things up with a hostile takeover attempt that ended with three Raiderettes on the Mentor Board, out of eight board members total. This year however, two of the three Raiderettes are out so it looks like Mentor is firmly in control.… Read More

Two New Board Members at Mentor Graphics

Two New Board Members at Mentor Graphics
by Daniel Payne on 05-30-2012 at 1:25 pm

One year ago the annual share holder meeting at Mentor Graphics had tight security, a no-camera policy, and the drama of Carl Icahn the corporate raider successfully adding three new board members. Fast forward to today where two of Icahn’s board members were not even nominated, and Mentor added two new board members. I chatted… Read More

SpyGlass…the Mystery

SpyGlass…the Mystery
by Paul McLellan on 05-30-2012 at 1:30 am

Atrenta have put out a mysterious press release, a sort of teaser for what they are up to at DAC.

The first part is that they have an interview program at their booth (#2230) on the show floor where customers, partners and investors will talk about SpyGlass. Current speakers are:

  • Jack Browne (Sonics)
  • Jim Hogan (private investor)
  • Charlie
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Oasys at DAC: Right Here, Right Now

Oasys at DAC: Right Here, Right Now
by Paul McLellan on 05-29-2012 at 9:01 pm

What is Oasys up to this year? For the last three years they have only had videos outside of their demo suite. The first year was a rock video, featuring Joe Costello (chairman off the board) and the executive management. The second year was parodies of the Mac vs PC ads with no prizes for guessing which one Oasys was. And last year was … Read More

Why does AT&T Fear OTT?

Why does AT&T Fear OTT?
by Paul McLellan on 05-29-2012 at 9:00 pm

OTT stands for “over the top”. But in the telecom sense it does not mean outrageous, it means providing a service using the data network that competes with some service that the carrier offers and uses as a revenue stream. The most obvious of these is running Skype and so not making a voice call but perhaps the biggest threat… Read More

Intel’s Tri-Gate May Have Moore Problems Than You Think!

Intel’s Tri-Gate May Have Moore Problems Than You Think!
by Daniel Nenni on 05-29-2012 at 7:00 pm

Clever title but it’s not mine. Piper Jaffray Analysts Auguste Richard and Jennifer Baxter released a report last week which echoed the concerns of others, including myself. The concerns reported are with the 22nm process and not the chipsets themselves. To me this is all part of ramping a leading edge process but the concerns are… Read More

SystemVerilog 2012 at DAC

SystemVerilog 2012 at DAC
by Daniel Payne on 05-29-2012 at 3:59 pm

I first met Stuart at Mentor Graphics back in 1995 or so, and he is one of the most knowledgable persons around for all things Verilog.

Stuart Sutherland is the editor for the IEEE 1800 SystemVerilog standard, so if you’re attending DAC and care about SystemVerilog then consider attending the Birds of a Feather meeting held… Read More

Jasper at DAC: ARM, Broadcom, Nvidia, ST

Jasper at DAC: ARM, Broadcom, Nvidia, ST
by Paul McLellan on 05-28-2012 at 7:01 pm

At DAC (next week, in case you have been under a rock for the last few months) Jasper has four of their customers presenting. Of course they are also presenting themselves making a total of 5 seminars.

nVidia is presenting on Sequential Equivalency Checking for Power Optimization with JasperGold Apps. It is on Monday at 11am, Tuesday… Read More

Partitioning Pavilion Panel

Partitioning Pavilion Panel
by Paul McLellan on 05-28-2012 at 6:27 pm

I don’t think it can be a surprise to anyone reading this that designs have been getting larger. Someone called Moore said something about it decades ago, or so I heard. Designs are so large that they need to be partitioned into smaller parts. The two main motivations for this are that some design tools, especially place &… Read More

SpringSoft Update 2012!

SpringSoft Update 2012!
by Daniel Nenni on 05-28-2012 at 6:05 pm

Little known fact, SpringSoft, Inc. is the largest supplier of EDA software in Asia with headquarters in both Hsinchu, Taiwan, and in Silicon Valley, CA. You will be hard pressed to find a company that does not use SpringSoft products and being located right down the street from the top two foundries doesn’t hurt either.
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