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Shaping Tomorrow’s Semiconductor Technology IEDM 2024

Shaping Tomorrow’s Semiconductor Technology IEDM 2024
by Scotten Jones on 10-23-2024 at 6:00 am


Anyone who has read my articles about IEDM in the past know I consider it a premiere conference covering developments of leading-edge semiconductor process technology. The 2024 conference will take place in San Francisco from December 7th through 11th.

Some highlight of this year’s technical program are:

AI  – Lots of artificial intelligence-related semiconductor research will be presented this year. For example, since AI computing is more memory-centric than other methods, there will be an entire special Focus Session (session #3) devoted to memory technologies for AI.  Also, both of the Short Courses on Sunday, Dec. 8 will deal with AI; see the news release below for more details.  Two of the keynote talks will do the same; again, more details are below.  China’s Tsinghua University will describe a dense, fast and energy-efficient 3D chip for computing-in-memory in paper #5.3, and there are many other AI-related talks throughout the program, too.

TSMC’s new industry-leading 2nm Logic Platform – TSMC will provide details of its new manufacturing process (paper #2.1), which the researchers say has already passed initial qualification tests.

Intel  – paper #2.2 describes extremely scaled transistors, and Intel paper #24.3 shows record performance for transistors with channels that are just one atom thick.

A look back at 70 years of IEDM history – Since the conference began in 1955, IEDM has been where the world’s experts go to report groundbreaking advances in transistors and other devices that operate based on the movements or other qualities of electrons. To celebrate the conference’s 70th anniversary, there will be a special Focus Session (#28) highlighting historic advances which we now take for granted in logic, memory, interconnects, imaging and other areas.

Advanced packaging is another way forward – Packaging has become critically important to the semiconductor industry, because the benefits to be gained from advanced packaging are rivaling those which can be obtained by the traditional approach of integrating more functions onto a single chip, following Moore’s Law. You put together different types of chips, made from different technologies, in various vertical or horizontal configurations, and interconnect them in fast, dense and energy-efficient ways, and voila, you can create appealing solutions for AI and other fast-growing applications.  Of course, it’s not so simple, and another special Focus Session (#21) will delve into cutting-edge advances and future requirements in chip and package design for high-performance computing and advanced AI applications.

Power transistors for a more electrified, sustainable society – Another special Focus Session (#33) will highlight advances and future trends in power semiconductor technologies, which are crucial for sustainable electronics-based energy solutions.

Brain/electronics interfaces – Special Focus Session #14 will cover advanced neural interface technologies and their potential to revolutionize human/electronic interactions for both medical and technological applications.

To register or read more about the conference please go HERE.

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