Keysight webinar 800x100
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IEDM Advanced CMOS Technology Platform Session

IEDM Advanced CMOS Technology Platform Session
by Scotten Jones on 01-01-2015 at 7:00 am

First I want recognize that IEDM once again provided all of the attendees with the proceedings as soon as we arrived at the conference, in fact the proceeding included every year of IEDM back to 1955. This is how a conference should be run! Anyone who read my blog about the SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference will know how frustrating… Read More

GlobalFoundries did NOT Pull the Emergency Brake!

GlobalFoundries did NOT Pull the Emergency Brake!
by Daniel Nenni on 12-31-2014 at 10:00 am

Barron’s again published an unsubstantiated semicondutor rumor that is making the rounds. It all started with a Christmas day blog by Robert Maire who is a long time semiconductor analyst. Please note that he is not a semiconductor professional (someone who actually works in the industry) but he certainly does know people who … Read More

ANSYS Updates RedHawk for FinFET Nodes

ANSYS Updates RedHawk for FinFET Nodes
by Tom Simon on 12-30-2014 at 7:00 am

Most designers are not using FinFETs yet, however the increased transistor density and power advantages they offer are compelling. Smaller feature sizes have been a consistent driver in semiconductor technology. Eventually the market will move more and more to FinFET processes, increasingly leaving behind planar transistors.… Read More

Top Ten Semiconductor CEOs in 2014!

Top Ten Semiconductor CEOs in 2014!
by Daniel Nenni on 12-29-2014 at 7:00 am

Since my blog about the Intel CEOs went over so well (sarcasm) I thought I should write more about semiconductor chief executive officers. This list comes from David Manners of Electronics Weekly who, unlike me, is a real journalist. Using David’s list as a starting point I will add more candidates at the end and please add yours in… Read More

Fabless Semiconductor Milestones of 2014!

Fabless Semiconductor Milestones of 2014!
by Daniel Nenni on 12-28-2014 at 9:00 am

After working in the semiconductor industry for the past thirty years and writing about it for the past six I would say that 2014 was one of the more interesting years of late. Vindication is the word that pops into my mind now that many “predictions” the fabless detractors have made over the last three years were proven wrong.

As a student… Read More

Is Fab Business The Forte of APAC?

Is Fab Business The Forte of APAC?
by Pawan Fangaria on 12-23-2014 at 6:00 pm

A little ago, I was looking at the top20 semiconductor companies in the world and was surprised to see a couple of large companies in Taiwan and South Korea garnering >34% of total sales (See – Look who is Leading the World Semiconductor Business). This time it’s another surprise, when I look at IC Insights report on global 300mm… Read More

Results of TSMC’s ECO Fill Flow

Results of TSMC’s ECO Fill Flow
by Beth Martin on 12-22-2014 at 7:00 am

By Jeff Wilson, Mentor Graphics and Anderson Chiu, TSMC

At this year’s TSMC Open Innovation Platform® (OIP) Ecosystem Forum, Mentor Graphics and TSMC co-presented some results of the ECO Fill flow developed for TSMC customers working at advanced nodes. Here is a summary of the presentation. (TSMC customers can access the presentation… Read More

Why an Arduino Gift Might Make Your Holiday Shopping Easier

Why an Arduino Gift Might Make Your Holiday Shopping Easier
by Tom Simon on 12-18-2014 at 7:00 pm

If you happen to still be looking for a Christmas gift for a tech savvy youth, the answer to your search may be an Arduino. This funny sounding word is the name for a family of easy to use low cost circuit boards and related items used to build projects that contain a microcontroller. With an Arduino it is possible to build projects with… Read More

Semiconductor Capacity Utilization Rising

Semiconductor Capacity Utilization Rising
by Bill Jewell on 12-18-2014 at 5:00 pm

Semiconductor capacity utilization (the ratio of production to capacity) appears to be on the rise, based on available data. Reliable global industry capacity data has not been available since Semiconductor Industry Capacity Statistics (SICAS) disbanded in 2011.

TSMC and UMC (the two largest pure-play foundries according… Read More

What is Ambient Security?

What is Ambient Security?
by Bill Boldt on 12-17-2014 at 7:00 pm


New technology and business buzzwords pop up constantly. Hardly a day goes by that you don’t see or hear words such as “cloud”, “IoT,” or “big data.” Let’s add one more to the list: “Ambient security.”

You’ll notice that big data, the cloud, and the IoT are all connected, literally and figuratively, and that is the point. Billions … Read More