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Opto-Electronics to Take Care of Data Explosion

Opto-Electronics to Take Care of Data Explosion
by Pawan Fangaria on 01-28-2015 at 11:30 am

As we come nearer to an intelligent IoT world, one of the major concerns we talk every day is about data explosion, its storage, and access and so on. In the beginning of the year, I had blogged about some facts that indicated successful emergence of IoT in very near future. My faith gets further strengthened when I envision the semiconductor… Read More

Qualcomm versus Samsung?

Qualcomm versus Samsung?
by Daniel Nenni on 01-28-2015 at 3:00 am

There is an interesting reality show playing in the media featuring Qualcomm and Samsung with supporting actors TSMC, LG, Xaomi, and Apple. As I’m sure we all have read, Samsung is losing massive amounts of money on mobile which was once a very profitable business unit. Let’s take a look at the current landscape and some of the recent… Read More

30+ Years of Semiconductors – The base matters!

30+ Years of Semiconductors – The base matters!
by Pawan Fangaria on 01-25-2015 at 10:00 am

Although CMOS technology in semiconductors was patented in 1960s, commercial ICs and electronic systems based on CMOS ICs started picking up in 1970s, and the real growth with personal computer (PC) market took place in 1980s. Then Intelmicroprocessors started dominating the semiconductor market with increasing processing… Read More

Will the Apple A9 Fall Flat?

Will the Apple A9 Fall Flat?
by Robert Maire on 01-23-2015 at 12:00 pm

Several months ago we had suggested that we were concerned that Apple’s A9 processor would wind up being 20nm planar (maybe 14nm planar) rather than the expected 14nm FinFET. As we are now under 9 months from a likely launch time for Apple’s next gen IPhone the timing for getting a 14nm FinFET processor on board the phoneRead More

Windows on a TV

Windows on a TV
by Daniel Payne on 01-23-2015 at 12:00 am

This month I upgraded my TV at home with a 40″ LED set from Samsung, Denon AV receiver and Samsung Blu-ray player. Also being a Google fan I bought a Chromecast device.

At CES there were multiple announcements from Intel, and one that caught my eye was the Intel Compute Stick because it reminded me of the Google Chromecast device… Read More

FDSOI jump-start 2015 in Tokyo this week

FDSOI jump-start 2015 in Tokyo this week
by Eric Esteve on 01-19-2015 at 4:38 am

This news in May 2014 that Samsung had licensed FD-SOI Technology from ST-Microelectronics was really amazing, as most of the industry was expecting this kind of agreement, but not with the #2 SC Company. But since May 2014 the news flow has been quite reduced, we can imagine that both SC companies had a lot work to do for transforming… Read More

Intel Q4 and 2014 Results

Intel Q4 and 2014 Results
by Paul McLellan on 01-16-2015 at 5:03 pm

Intel announced their results yesterday for last quarter (and the year). And they were good financially. As Brian Krzanich said:The fourth quarter marked a strong finish to a great year. We began 2014 expecting roughly flat year-over-year revenue and operating income. Instead the company’s full year revenue grew 6% touchingRead More

TSMC Finishes 2014 with the Chairman on the Call!

TSMC Finishes 2014 with the Chairman on the Call!
by Daniel Nenni on 01-15-2015 at 9:30 pm

I’m not a financial guy, as I have mentioned before, so let me just make some comments on the technology discussed on today’s conference call. Please note that the Chairman Dr. Morris Chang was on the call which is probably why the TSM stock went up more than 8% immediately after. Of course there was plenty of good news to go along with… Read More

The Dynamics of the China Semiconductor Industry

The Dynamics of the China Semiconductor Industry
by Daniel Nenni on 01-14-2015 at 7:00 am

Paul McClellan and I are at the SEMI Industry Strategy Symposium this week in Half Moon Bay. Honestly there is too much to blog about here so I will have to pick the topics most interesting to me. The full capacity audience is also impressive. SEMI provides a list of attendees on their website which reads like “Who’s Who” of the semiconductor… Read More

Intel’s Diversity Goals Explained!

Intel’s Diversity Goals Explained!
by Daniel Nenni on 01-10-2015 at 9:00 pm

One of the more interesting announcements by Intel at CES was surprisingly not about technology, it was about a $300M Investing in Diversity and Inclusion initiative. According to Intel CEO Brian Krzanich “A fully diverse and inclusive workplace is fundamental to our ability to innovate and deliver business results.” After … Read More