Primarius 2B
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IMEC Technology Forum (ITF) – IC Innovation

IMEC Technology Forum (ITF) – IC Innovation
by Scotten Jones on 05-25-2016 at 7:00 am

IMEC is a technology research center located in Belgium that is one of the premier semiconductor research centers in the world today. The IMEC Technology Forum (ITF) is a two-day event attended by approximately 1,000 people to showcase the work done by IMEC and their partners.

Luc Van Den Hove is the president and CEO of IMEC and he… Read More

TSMC Leads Again with 3-D Packaging!

TSMC Leads Again with 3-D Packaging!
by Daniel Nenni on 05-24-2016 at 4:00 pm

Continuing to find new ways to extend Moore’s Law, the foundry and technology leader is ready to show off its wafer level system integration prowess with two scalable platforms targeting key growth markets.

CoWoS® (Chip-On-Wafer-On-Substrate) goes after high-performance applications, providing the highest bandwidth and… Read More

What Does an MPW and a Pizza Have in Common?

What Does an MPW and a Pizza Have in Common?
by Daniel Nenni on 05-23-2016 at 12:00 pm

Design starts are critical to the growth of the semiconductor industry so enabling them is a common theme on SemiWiki. One thing we have not covered in detail is multi-project wafer services (MPW) which is the equivalent of ride sharing through the initial mask and wafer process. Larger semiconductor companies already do this … Read More

According with ST, SiC Power Devices will Accelerate Automotive Electrification

According with ST, SiC Power Devices will Accelerate Automotive Electrification
by Eric Esteve on 05-16-2016 at 10:39 am

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a very interesting material. If you find in nature the mineral moissanite, it will be only minute quantities in certain types of meteorite. The moissanite physical properties are very similar to these of diamond, in term of density and abrasive power. In the semiconductor industry, SiC is characterized… Read More

Samsung Could Have A Winner With The Gear 360 VR Camera

Samsung Could Have A Winner With The Gear 360 VR Camera
by Patrick Moorhead on 05-09-2016 at 12:00 pm

For success, VR playback and content must be robust
The world of VR is split into two different areas, tethered PC VR and mobile VR. The reason why so many companies are going after mobile VR is because that’s where all of the volume is expected to be in VR. As a result, you have companies like Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics introducing… Read More

Why is NXP Moving to FD-SOI?

Why is NXP Moving to FD-SOI?
by Ron Martino on 05-08-2016 at 11:00 am

The latest generations of power efficient and full-featured applications processors in NXP’s very successful and broadly deployed i.MX platform are being manufactured on 28nm FD-SOI. The new i.MX 7 series leverages the 32-bit ARM v7-A core, targeting the general embedded, e-reader, medical, wearable and IoT markets, where… Read More

IoT Devices Making Inroads into Semicon Revenue

IoT Devices Making Inroads into Semicon Revenue
by Pawan Fangaria on 05-08-2016 at 7:00 am

Last year IC Insights forecasted IOT semiconductor growth rate to be around 19% CAGR for next five years. And within that space, the O-S-D (Optoelectronics, Sensors, and Discrete) semiconductors were expected to grow at a CAGR of 26%, one among the fastest. In 2015, the O-S-D revenue was at $66.6 billion, i.e. ~19% of total semiconductor… Read More

3D NAND – Moore’s Law in the third dimension

3D NAND – Moore’s Law in the third dimension
by Scotten Jones on 05-07-2016 at 4:00 am

For more than a decade 2D NAND has been the leading driver of lithography shrinks, for example, Samsung went from 120nm in 2003 to 16nm in 2014 with shrinks on an almost yearly basis, but the shrinks came at a price. At 16nm Self Aligned Quadruple Pattering (SAQP) was required for the most critical layers and patterning related costs… Read More

Body-biasing for ARM big or LITTLE in GF 22FDX

Body-biasing for ARM big or LITTLE in GF 22FDX
by Don Dingee on 05-04-2016 at 4:00 pm

GLOBALFOUNDRIES has been evangelizing their 22FDX FD-SOI process for a few months; readers may have seen Tom Simon’s write-up of their preview at ARM TechCon. Dr. Joerg Winkler recently gave an updated webinar presentation of their approach in an implementation of ARM Cortex-A17 core.

By now, you’ve probably heard that 22FDX… Read More

BLDC motor control kit targets power savings

BLDC motor control kit targets power savings
by Don Dingee on 05-03-2016 at 12:00 pm

We tend to focus on connectivity and sensors for the IoT, however there is a third element to what I call the “Edge Device Triad” that is just as important: actuators. Making things move with microcontrollers (MCUs) is a science in and of itself. For small size and low weight combined with decent mechanical power, designers are opting… Read More