Many factors go into building a competitive solution for the IoT, but few are as important for high-volume applications as low cost – not just chip cost but total system cost. If your customers are going to deploy thousands, tens of thousands or even millions of your devices in cities, factories, logistics applications, power grids… Read More
Webinar: Custom SoCs for Narrowband IoT
This joint CEVA and Open-Silicon webinar, moderated by myself, will elaborate on Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) custom SoC solutions that are based on the CEVA-Dragonfly IP subsystem, and serve a wide range of cost- and power-sensitive IoT applications. Those joining the webinar will learn about the CEVA-Dragonfly NB1 IP subsystem,… Read More
Worldwide Design IP Revenue Grew 12.4% in 2017
When starting SemiWiki we focused on three market segments: EDA, IP, and the Foundries. Founding SemiWiki bloggers Daniel Payne and Paul McLellan were popular EDA bloggers with their own sites and I blogged about the foundries so we were able to combine our blogs and hit the ground running. For IP I recruited Dr. Eric Esteve who had… Read More
A Turnkey Platform for High-Volume IoT
Innovation in smart homes, smart buildings, smart factories and many other contexts differentiates in sensing, in some cases actuation, implementation certainly (low power for example) and rolling up data to the cloud. It isn’t in the on-board CPU and I doubt any of those entrepreneurs want to create their own Bluetooth or Wi-Fi… Read More
An AI assist for 5G enhanced Mobile Broadband for mobile platforms
If you’re not up-to-speed on 5G, there are three use-cases: eMBB(enhanced mobile broadband) for mobile platforms (Gbps rates, immersive gaming, VR, AR – spectrum usage also extends up to mmWave, but that’s a different topic), mMTCfor massive machine type communication (ultra-low cost, ultra-low power, very dense networks)… Read More
CEVA ClearVox Simplifies Voice Pickup
Voice-based control is arguably becoming another killer app, or killer app-enabler in the very significant shifts we are seeing in automation. After a bumpy start in car feature control (for navigation, phone calls, etc) and early smartphone “intelligent” assistants, voice-based interfaces now seem to be maturing into a genuinely… Read More
CEVA Ups the Ante for Edge-Based AI
AI is quickly becoming the new killer app and everyone is piling on board as fast as they can. But there are multiple challenges for any would-be AI entrepreneur:
- Forget about conventional software development; neural nets require a completely different infrastructure and skill-sets
- More and more of the interesting opportunity
Going to CES 2018? Don’t Miss CEVA-powered Demos!
CES 2018 will start soon and will be held on January 9-12 in Las Vegas. If you plan to go to Vegas, don’t miss CEVA-powered smart and connected products and demos! CEVA’s product portfolio includes DSP IP cores (the smart) and RivieraWaves IP platforms supporting wireless protocols, like WiFi and Bluetooth (the connected).
DSP … Read More
Webinar: ADAS and Real-Time Vision Processing
ADAS is in many ways the epicenter of directions in the driverless car (or bus or truck). Short of actually running the car hands-free through a whole trip, ADAS has now advanced beyond mere warnings to providing some level of steering and braking control (in both cases for collision avoidance), providing more adaptive cruise control,… Read More
CEVA and Local AI Smarts
When we first started talking about “smart”, as in smart cars, smart homes, smart cities and the like, our usage of “smart” was arguably over-generous. What we really meant was that these aspects of our daily lives were becoming more computerized and connected. Not to say those directions weren’t useful and exciting, but we weren’t… Read More