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S2C Banner
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White Paper: Advanced SoC Debug with Multi-FPGA Prototyping

White Paper: Advanced SoC Debug with Multi-FPGA Prototyping
by Daniel Nenni on 04-19-2022 at 10:00 am

S2C EDA Prototyping White Paper 2022

S2C EDA recently released a whitepaper written by a good friend of mine Steve Walters. Steve and I have worked together many times throughout our careers and I consider him to be one of my trusted few, especially in regards to prototyping and emulation. Steve is also my co author on the book “Prototypical II The Practice of FPGA-Based… Read More

Prototype enables new synergy – how Artosyn helps their customers succeed

Prototype enables new synergy – how Artosyn helps their customers succeed
by Daniel Nenni on 03-08-2022 at 6:00 am

LS Dual

Artosyn Microelectronics, a leading provider of AI SoCs for drones and other sophisticated applications finds itself at the intersection of hardware architecture and software development. “Our customers are advancing the state of AI programming every day,” said Shen Sha, Senior R&D Manager of Artosyn’s AI Chip Department.… Read More

S2C’s FPGA Prototyping Solutions

S2C’s FPGA Prototyping Solutions
by Kalar Rajendiran on 02-10-2022 at 10:00 am

Logic Matrix System Configuration Table

Prototyping solutions have been in the news a lot lately. And FPGA-based prototyping approach is pretty widely used. On a panel session at DAC 2021, Amir Salek, Head of Silicon for Cloud and Infrastructure at Google had the following to say. Prototyping FPGA is a tremendous platform for testing and validation. We are doubling down… Read More

DAC 2021 Wrap-up – S2C turns more than a few heads

DAC 2021 Wrap-up – S2C turns more than a few heads
by Ron Green on 12-20-2021 at 10:00 am

IMG 7547

Now that the 58th Design Automation Conference held this year in San Francisco has concluded, we take a minute to look back at the results and ascertain what it meant for our company.

Unfortunately, many popular tradeshows held in the time of Covid have suffered a drop in attendance, and DAC was no exception. Despite this however,… Read More

PCIe 6.0, LPDDR5, HBM2E and HBM3 Speed Adapters to FPGA Prototyping Solutions

PCIe 6.0, LPDDR5, HBM2E and HBM3 Speed Adapters to FPGA Prototyping Solutions
by Kalar Rajendiran on 12-15-2021 at 6:00 am

Avery PCIe Speed Adapter IP at Work

We live in the age of big data. No matter how fast and complex modern SoCs are, it all comes down to how quickly data can get in and out that determines the system performance. And, there is a lot of data that today’s systems need to process. Naturally, system interfaces such as PCIe, DDR, HBM, etc., have been evolving rapidly too, to support… Read More

S2C EDA Delivers on Plan to Scale-Up FPGA Prototyping Platforms to Billions of Gates

S2C EDA Delivers on Plan to Scale-Up FPGA Prototyping Platforms to Billions of Gates
by Daniel Nenni on 11-08-2021 at 6:00 am

S2C EDA Prodigy Logix Matrix LX2

S2C has been a global leader in FPGA prototyping for nearly two decades now, and its FPGA prototyping platforms have closely tracked the availability of the latest FPGAs – including the latest FPGAs from both Xilinx and Intel.  And they are definitely delivering on the promise to advance their prototyping solutions for hyperscale… Read More

Successful SoC Debug with FPGA Prototyping – It’s Really All About Planning and Good Judgement

Successful SoC Debug with FPGA Prototyping – It’s Really All About Planning and Good Judgement
by Daniel Nenni on 10-21-2021 at 6:00 am

ProtoBridge Debug Blog 181021

Using FPGAs to prototype and debug SoCs as part of the SoC design verification hierarchy was pioneered by Quickturn Design Systems in the late 1980’s, and I have observed a wide variety of FPGA prototyping projects over the years.  In retrospect, three factors have determined the success of the FPGA prototyping project;

  1. A good
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S2C FPGA Prototyping solutions help accelerate 3D visual AI chip

S2C FPGA Prototyping solutions help accelerate 3D visual AI chip
by Daniel Nenni on 08-16-2021 at 6:00 am

aivatech product 1

3D vision technology is rapidly evolving. Compared to 2D vision technology that deals with planar information, 3D vision works with physical information, including depth, which makes it possible to recognize and measure objects with curved surfaces and arcs. In addition, as deep machine learning and big data computing technologies… Read More

Prototypical II PDF is now available!

Prototypical II PDF is now available!
by Daniel Nenni on 08-02-2021 at 6:00 am

Prototypical II

Our latest book has finally been published! A PDF version of “Prototypical II – The Practice of FPGA Prototyping for SoC Design” is now available in the SemiWiki book section. The first book “Prototypical – The Emergence of FPGA Prototyping for SoC Design” was published in 2016 and a lot … Read More

StarFive Surpasses Development Goal with the Prodigy Rapid Prototyping System from S2C

StarFive Surpasses Development Goal with the Prodigy Rapid Prototyping System from S2C
by rdgreen on 07-13-2021 at 10:00 am


Faced with the challenge of developing a high-performance hardware platform with critical software components, what choices do companies have in rapidly moving their development forward with modest budgets and resources?

That was the challenge faced by StarFive Technology, a leading IP and semiconductor SoC platform solution… Read More