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SemiWiki Podcast Banner
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Scaling the RISC-V Verification Stack

Scaling the RISC-V Verification Stack
by Bernard Murphy on 03-15-2023 at 6:00 am

RISC V verification stack

The RISC-V open ISA premise was clearly a good bet. It’s taking off everywhere, however verification is still a challenge. As an alternative to Arm, the architecture and functionality from multiple IP providers looks very competitive, but how do RISC-V providers and users ensure the same level of confidence we have in Arm? Arm … Read More

Maven Silicon’s RISC-V Processor IP Verification Flow

Maven Silicon’s RISC-V Processor IP Verification Flow
by Sivakumar PR on 02-24-2023 at 6:00 am

1 1

RISC-V is a general-purpose license-free open Instruction Set Architecture [ISA] with multiple extensions. It is an ISA separated into a small base integer ISA, usable as a base for customized accelerators and optional standard extensions to support general-purpose software development. RISC-V supports both 32-bit and … Read More

Re-configuring RISC-V Post-Silicon

Re-configuring RISC-V Post-Silicon
by Bernard Murphy on 12-07-2022 at 6:00 am

Post Silicon RISC V extensions min

How do you reconfigure system characteristics? The answer to that question is well established – through software. Make the underlying hardware general enough and use platform software to update behaviors and tweak hardware configuration registers. This simple fact drove the explosion of embedded processors everywhere … Read More

Is your career at RISK without RISC-V?

Is your career at RISK without RISC-V?
by Sivakumar PR on 12-05-2022 at 6:00 am

Fig 1 1

I am delighted to share my technical insights into RISC-V in this article to inspire and prepare the next generation of chip designers for the future of the open era of computing. If you understand how we build complex electronic devices like desktops and smartphones using processors, you would be more interested in learning and… Read More

Scaling is Failing with Moore’s Law and Dennard

Scaling is Failing with Moore’s Law and Dennard
by Dave Bursky on 05-12-2022 at 6:00 am

Scaling is Falling SemiWiki

Looking backward and forward, the white paper from Codasip “Scaling is Failing” by Roddy Urquhart provides an interesting history of processor development since the early 1970s to the present. However it doesn’t stop there and continues to extrapolate what the chip industry has in store for the rest of this decade. For the last… Read More

CEO Interview: Frankwell Lin, Chairman and CEO of Andes Technology

CEO Interview: Frankwell Lin, Chairman and CEO of Andes Technology
by Daniel Nenni on 03-11-2022 at 6:00 am

Frankwell Jyh Ming Lin

Frankwell Lin, Chairman of Andes Technology, started his career being as application engineer in United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) while UMC was an IDM with its own chip products, he experienced engineering, product planning, sales, and marketing jobs with various product lines in UMC. In 1995, after four years working… Read More

Webinar – Comparing ARM and RISC-V Cores

Webinar – Comparing ARM and RISC-V Cores
by Daniel Payne on 10-14-2021 at 10:00 am

Mirabilis Webinar, October 21

Operating systems and Instruction Set Architectures (ISA) can have long lifespans, and I’ve been an engineering user of many ISAs since the 1970s. For mobile devices I’ve followed the rise to popularity of the ARM architecture, and then more recently the RISC-V ISA which has successfully made the leap from university… Read More

WEBINAR: Architecture Exploration of System-on-chip using VisualSim Hybrid RISC-V and ARM Processor library

WEBINAR: Architecture Exploration of System-on-chip using VisualSim Hybrid RISC-V and ARM Processor library
by Daniel Nenni on 07-26-2021 at 6:00 am

Aug5 TechTalk 2

80% of specification optimization and almost 100% of the performance/power trade-offs can be achieved during architecture exploration of product design.  RISC-V offers a huge opportunity with lots of pipeline and instruction set enhancement opportunities.  Can it really attain the utopian success that people are looking… Read More

A Free RISC-V CPU Core Builder – Democratizing CPUs

A Free RISC-V CPU Core Builder – Democratizing CPUs
by Steve Hoover on 06-27-2021 at 6:00 am

warp v.org

There are now over a hundred RISC-V CPU cores listed on riscv.org‘s RISC-V Exchange! Amazing. If you need a RISC-V CPU core, you’ll likely be able to find one that suits your needs… if you evaluate a hundred CPU cores to find it.

Or, now, you can configure exactly the core you need, and have it built in seconds, for free! WARP-V Read More

Enhancing RISC-V Vector Extensions to Accelerate Performance on ML Workloads

Enhancing RISC-V Vector Extensions to Accelerate Performance on ML Workloads
by Kalar Rajendiran on 05-17-2021 at 10:00 am

SuperCharge ML Performance

During the week of April 19th, Linley Group held its Spring Processor Conference 2021. The Linley Group has a reputation for convening excellent conferences. And this year’s spring conference was no exception. There were a number of very informative talks from various companies updating the audience on the latest research and… Read More