Webinar DFT 2025 banner mar11 (1)
WP_Term Object
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    [description] => Internet of Things
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    [category_count] => 550
    [category_description] => Internet of Things
    [cat_name] => IoT
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Intel and the Intel-of-Things

Intel and the Intel-of-Things
by Tom Simon on 03-22-2015 at 1:00 pm

When I joined Calma in 1982, Intel was a small company making microprocessor chips in a crowded marketplace. They had scored big with IBM who was using their 8088 in the very first personal computer. Wind River was a hatchling with David Wilner and Jerry Fiddler working out of a rented warehouse in Berkeley – I know, I hung out… Read More

Webinar: Choosing IP for your next IoT Design

Webinar: Choosing IP for your next IoT Design
by Daniel Payne on 03-17-2015 at 8:00 pm

My favorite IoT device is a cycle-computer from CatEyeand it has GPS for tracking my bike routes, and an LCD display that shows me speed, cadence, heart rate and time. After each ride I connect my CatEye device to a USB connector, upload my data to Strava.com, and then see how I’m doing versus other cyclists and my own personal… Read More

STMicro to Showcase Turnkey NFC Design at MWC

STMicro to Showcase Turnkey NFC Design at MWC
by Majeed Ahmad on 03-01-2015 at 10:00 pm

Near-field communication (NFC) technology is finally realizing its potential, thanks to the impetus provided by Apple Pay, and it’s becoming evident from the pre-Mobile World Congress (MWC) buzz coming from several makers of chips, smartphones and wearable devices.

Among the companies displaying NFC products at the 2015 … Read More

New CEVA-XM4 vision IP does point clouds and more

New CEVA-XM4 vision IP does point clouds and more
by Don Dingee on 02-27-2015 at 6:00 am

When Intel created the OpenCV vision processing library, the idea was algorithms could take advantage of the single instruction multiple data (SIMD) capability in Intel architecture processors. (Intel’s ulterior motive is always to sell processors.) As the library has matured, optimized functions take advantage of SSE or… Read More

Atmel’s new car MCU tips imminent SoC journey

Atmel’s new car MCU tips imminent SoC journey
by Majeed Ahmad on 02-26-2015 at 4:00 pm

The automotive industry has reached a new era marked by giant initiatives like infotainment, connected car and semi-autonomous vehicles. And no one seems more excited than the MCU guys who have been a part and parcel of in-car electronics for the past two decades. However, the humble microcontroller is going through a profound… Read More

Arteris Sees Consolidation Amid ADAS Gold Rush

Arteris Sees Consolidation Amid ADAS Gold Rush
by Majeed Ahmad on 02-25-2015 at 10:00 pm

The sensor fusion in vehicles is leading to a new era of information sharing from almost all components of a car, including chassis, suspension and rapidly taking off Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). According to network-on-chip (NoC) interconnect IP solution provider Arteris Inc., as more cameras and sensors are… Read More

CEVA Showcasing Image Processor at MWC Barcelona

CEVA Showcasing Image Processor at MWC Barcelona
by Majeed Ahmad on 02-23-2015 at 1:00 pm

Cameras are becoming ubiquitous thanks to a new wave of applications that span GoPro for sports, smart glass for the Internet eyewear, ADAS for car safety, and more. However, while these cameras boast an increasing amount of megapixels to enhance the quality of vision, what they increasingly need is more processing power to analyze… Read More

Product Review: Google Chromecast

Product Review: Google Chromecast
by Daniel Payne on 02-22-2015 at 1:00 pm

Our household members own both Apple and Android devices, so we wanted a way to share our photos or videos on the Samsung TV. The device we ended up buying is called Chromecast from Google, and it’s a small media streaming device that plugs into an HDMI port on our TV. We’ve had Chromecast for about six weeks now.… Read More

IoT Sensor Node Designs Call for Highly Integrated Flows

IoT Sensor Node Designs Call for Highly Integrated Flows
by Tom Simon on 02-21-2015 at 7:00 pm

Applications for IoT sensors are becoming more sophisticated, especially for industrial usage. Building optimal sensors for different applications requires multi-domain design, optimization and verification flows. The sensor devices are usually MEMS, and as such have electrical properties that need to be tailored to … Read More

32-bit MCUs Way to Go for IoT

32-bit MCUs Way to Go for IoT
by Majeed Ahmad on 02-18-2015 at 7:00 am

Cost, power and performance, and security are the fundamental ingredients of chip development for the Internet of Things (IoT) market and that 32-bit microcontrollers are a way forward to meet these basic requirements. That was the crux of the message from the webinar held by Andes Technology Corp. on February 10, 2015.

You canRead More