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New Vivado release goes from Lab to UltraScale

New Vivado release goes from Lab to UltraScale
by Don Dingee on 05-06-2015 at 1:00 am

Xilinx users will welcome the brand-new release of Vivado Design Suite 2015.1. For openers, device support for the latest FPGAs in the UltraScale family – XCVU440, XCVU190, and XCVU125 – has been added in the release, and early access code for the XCVU160 is available from a local Xilinx FAE. Installation has been streamlined, … Read More

Xilinx at NAB: Any Media Over Any Network

Xilinx at NAB: Any Media Over Any Network
by Paul McLellan on 04-11-2015 at 7:00 am

The NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) show has just started, April 11-16th in Las Vegas. It covers a very broad range of topics:
As the premier trade association for broadcasters, NAB advances the interests of our members in federal government, industry and public affairs; improves the quality and profitability of Read More

2015, the Year of the Sheep…And the 16nm FPGA

2015, the Year of the Sheep…And the 16nm FPGA
by Paul McLellan on 03-10-2015 at 7:00 am

If you live in California anyway, with its large Asian population, you can’t have helped noticing that it was the Lunar New Year a couple of weeks ago, the start of the year of the sheep. A couple of days after the New Year, Xilinx announced their new families of what they now call FPGAs, 3D ICs and MPSoCs. But which the rest of us … Read More

Xilinx’s 16nm UltraScale+ FPGA is Revolutionary

Xilinx’s 16nm UltraScale+ FPGA is Revolutionary
by Luke Miller on 03-01-2015 at 7:00 am

Well a very belated Happy New Year dear reader. I must admit, it has been a very long winter and it has caused the Miller’s to rethink this vital question. “What in the world are we doing living in NY”. So we are moving, and hopefully this is my last ‘real’ winter as we headed down south. To perhaps alleviate some of the winter blues from … Read More

Altera Back to TSMC at 10nm? Xilinx Staying There

Altera Back to TSMC at 10nm? Xilinx Staying There
by Paul McLellan on 01-28-2015 at 7:00 am

Xilinx announced their quarterly results last week. They slightly missed their number due mainly to a decline in wireless sales. Of course Xilinx parts don’t go in the smartphones since the cost and power are too high, but they are very heavily used in basestation, backhaul etc especially in China. Xilinx’s business… Read More

Xilinx ships the VU440 and its 4M logic cells

Xilinx ships the VU440 and its 4M logic cells
by Don Dingee on 01-27-2015 at 8:00 pm

Xilinx has delivered not only “the biggest FPGA on the planet”, but what it claims is currently the world’s largest integrated circuit: the Virtex UltraScale VU440, with 19 billion transistors fabbed in TSMC 20nm. The list of first customers to receive parts says a lot about the state of SoC design today, and the vital role FPGA-based… Read More

New Vivado Release. And a Competition!

New Vivado Release. And a Competition!
by Paul McLellan on 12-29-2014 at 5:00 pm

It is not entirely clear what Xilinx is these days. Of course it is an FPGA company. If you hear the word FPGA then I bet Xilinx is the first thing you think of. But what Xilinx ships these days is a far cry from the type of device it created when it was starting, where FPGAs were largely used to vacuum up all the glue logic around the processors… Read More

Is Your FPGA Design Secure? Use Xilinx to Make Sure

Is Your FPGA Design Secure? Use Xilinx to Make Sure
by Luke Miller on 12-20-2014 at 7:00 pm

I hope your Christmas break is starting off well! You know this, but evil takes no break for Christmas. We are seeing more and more the hacking of systems and it seems to have become the norm. Do you get nervous anymore when you hear that your credit card company lost their data? Or I mean your data?

It’s as if we have given up on the ideas … Read More

Xilinx the EDA Company

Xilinx the EDA Company
by Luke Miller on 12-07-2014 at 7:00 pm

Like you I cannot believe 2015 is upon us. 15 years ago I remember the Y2K panic. I remember watching the news and noticed the liberal media (they were liberal back then too) just waiting for the first fail somewhere. Ended up like Geraldo at the opening of Al Capone’s Vault. Remember that one? As I persist on with this word salad may I … Read More

Xilinx Boards Make a Great Christmas Gift!

Xilinx Boards Make a Great Christmas Gift!
by Luke Miller on 11-27-2014 at 7:00 pm

Ok, first thing first, Happy Thanksgiving! For the Miller’s as I get older, it is new traditions as some old ones have passed on. Memories are great and new ones to make. So you know the great debate right?

These poor people working Thanksgiving to sell some tablet or smart phone to save a few bucks. Those that must work, my condolences… Read More