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Using HAPS-DX for system-level deep trace debug

Using HAPS-DX for system-level deep trace debug
by Don Dingee on 11-20-2014 at 4:00 pm

Debugging an ASIC design in an FPGA-based prototyping system can be a lot like disciplining a puppy. If you happen to be there at the exact moment the transgression occurs and understand what led up to that moment, administering an effective correction might be possible.

Catching RTL in the act requires the right tools. Faults in… Read More

How many 28nm FDSOI SoC Design Starts in 2015? In 2020?

How many 28nm FDSOI SoC Design Starts in 2015? In 2020?
by Eric Esteve on 11-13-2014 at 4:28 am

I would like to further discuss this graphic (presented during IP-SoC 2014 by John Koeter, VP of Marketing IP and prototyping, Synopsys) and focus on Active Design and Tapeouts at 28nm. In fact the very first activity appeared in Q1 2007, but it was only during 2010 that 28nm become popular, after the first Tapeouts coming in Q1 and… Read More

Two New Announcements at ITC from Synopsys

Two New Announcements at ITC from Synopsys
by Daniel Payne on 10-22-2014 at 4:00 pm

Each year at the International Test Conference(ITC) we hear about the latest advances from the testability side of both EDA vendors and academics. This year Aart de Geus, Chairman and Co-CEO of Synopsys delivered a keynote speech titled, “Testing Positive, for Complexity“. Yesterday I spoke with Robert Ruiz and… Read More

Designing SmartCar ICs

Designing SmartCar ICs
by Daniel Payne on 09-30-2014 at 7:00 am

When I upgraded cars from a 1988 to 1998 Acura it seemed like my car had become much smarter with a security chip in the key, security codes in the radio and a connector for computer diagnosis, however in today’s modern auto there’s a lot more mixed-signal design content. Micronasand Synopsysgot together and hosted … Read More

Synopsys Verification Continuum

Synopsys Verification Continuum
by Paul McLellan on 09-26-2014 at 4:00 pm

Verification spans a number of different technologies, from virtual platforms, RTL simulation, formal techniques, emulation and FPGA prototyping. Going back a few years, most of these technologies came from separate companies and one effect of this was that moving the design from one verification environment to another required… Read More

Explaining HAPS-DX in an elevator

Explaining HAPS-DX in an elevator
by Don Dingee on 09-24-2014 at 7:00 am

Every development team has been through this challenge: finding a tool that looks fantastic, then heading off to the manager one or two levels up who has enough signature authority for the purchase order. Signatures for amounts reading more than a couple of trailing zeros on POs are rarely free, or painless. … Read More

AMD Design IP Deal with Virage Logic… Oops… Synopsys

AMD Design IP Deal with Virage Logic… Oops… Synopsys
by Eric Esteve on 09-23-2014 at 9:59 am

Whoever has said that history never repeats itself should read this recent PR from AMD! The news can be summarized in three points:

  • Multi-year agreement gives AMD access to a range of Synopsys design IP including interface, memory compiler, logic library and analog IP for advanced FinFET process nodes
  • Synopsys acquires rights
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Design & EDA Collaboration Advances Mixed-Signal Verification through VCS AMS

Design & EDA Collaboration Advances Mixed-Signal Verification through VCS AMS
by Pawan Fangaria on 09-07-2014 at 8:00 pm

Last week it was a rare opportunity for me to attend a webinar where an SoC design house, a leading IP provider and a leading EDA tool provider joined together to present on how the tool capabilities are being used for advanced mixed-signal simulation of large designs, faster with accuracy. It’s always been a struggle to combine design… Read More

Synopsys VC VIP for Memory

Synopsys VC VIP for Memory
by Paul McLellan on 09-04-2014 at 7:01 am

Synopsys have been gradually broadening their portfolio of verification IP (VIP). It is 100% native SystemVerilog with native debug using Verdi (that was acquired from SpringSoft last year, now fully integrated into Verification Compiler). It has native performance with VCS. Going forward there are source code test suites.… Read More

FinFETs for your Next SoC

FinFETs for your Next SoC
by Daniel Payne on 08-24-2014 at 7:00 am

Planar CMOS processes have been offered for decades now, and all the way down through the 28nm node it has been riding the benefits of Moore’s Law. A few years back we started hearing from Intel about TriGate (aka FinFET) starting at the 22nm node as a way to use a more 3D processing approach for transistors instead of planar CMOS.… Read More