IPnest Forecast Interface IP Category Growth to $2.5B in 2025

IPnest Forecast Interface IP Category Growth to $2.5B in 2025
by Eric Esteve on 07-05-2021 at 10:00 am

Interface IP 2016 2025 min

Why should the interface IP category see such a high growth rate until 2025? IP vendors revenues totaled $1068 million in 2020, compared with $872 in 2019. That is 22.4% YoY growth rate and confirm that last year YoY value of 18% was the sign for a long-term growth, as IPnest shows in “Interface IP Survey 2016-2020 & Forecast 2021-2025”,… Read More

Design IP Sales Grew 16.7% in 2020, Best Growth Rate Ever!

Design IP Sales Grew 16.7% in 2020, Best Growth Rate Ever!
by Eric Esteve on 04-13-2021 at 6:00 am

Table IP vendors 2021

Design IP Sales Grew 16.7% in 2020, to reach $4.6B and this is the best growth since year 2000!

The main trends shaking the Design IP in 2020 are very positive for the Top 3 IP vendors, each of them growing more than the market and confirm the importance of the wired interface IP market, aligned with the data-centric application, hyperscalar,… Read More

How SerDes Became Key IP for Semiconductor Systems

How SerDes Became Key IP for Semiconductor Systems
by Eric Esteve on 02-14-2021 at 10:00 am

Ethernet bandwidth

We have seen that the interface IP category is seeing incredibly high growth rate over the last two decades and we expect this category to generate an ongoing high source of IP revenues for at least another decade. But if we dig into the various successful protocols like PCI Express, Ethernet or USB, we can detect a common function … Read More

Interface IP Category to Overtake CPU IP by 2025?

Interface IP Category to Overtake CPU IP by 2025?
by Eric Esteve on 07-09-2020 at 6:00 am

Top 5 Forecast 2020 2024

The Interface Design IP market explodes, growing by 18% in 2019, with $870 million, when CPU IP category grew by 5% at $1,460 million. In fact, Interface IP market is forecasted to sustain high growth rate for the next five years, as calculated by IPnest in the “Interface IP Survey 2015-2019 & Forecast 2020-2024”, to reach $1,800… Read More

Design IP Revenue Grew 5.2% in 2019, Good News in Declining Semi Market

Design IP Revenue Grew 5.2% in 2019, Good News in Declining Semi Market
by Eric Esteve on 04-20-2020 at 6:00 am

IP Category 2018 2019

Good news is good to hear, particularly these days! The behavior of the Design IP market in 2019 is extremely positive, when the semiconductor market has seen a decline worst than in 2009 (economy crisis) or 2001 (internet bubble collapse). Analysis this 5.2% growth in detail will help to understand the future of the IP market, as… Read More

#56thDAC SerDes, Analog and RISC-V sessions

#56thDAC SerDes, Analog and RISC-V sessions
by Eric Esteve on 06-14-2019 at 5:00 am

The good news is that the next five DAC events will take place in Moscone Center in San Francisco! If going to Las Vegas from the Bay area is an easy trip, coming from Europe to Las Vegas makes it a 24+hours journey… One obvious consequence was the poor attendance to the exhibition floor. But let’s be positive and notice that the number… Read More

Monday DAC IP Session “PAM 4 Enable 112G SerDes”

Monday DAC IP Session “PAM 4 Enable 112G SerDes”
by Eric Esteve on 05-24-2019 at 1:00 pm

This session will open the DAC IP Track at 10:30 on Monday “How PAM4 and DSP Enable 112G SerDes Design” in Room N264. I am very proud to chair this invited paper session, as it addresses one of the key pieces of design, enabling to exchange data flow at the highest possible data rate. It can be between two chips on the same board, we talk … Read More

Design IP in 2018: Synopsys and Cadence Increase Market Share…

Design IP in 2018: Synopsys and Cadence Increase Market Share…
by Eric Esteve on 05-07-2019 at 7:00 am

…but ARM, Imagination, MIPS or Ceva have declined and lose market share. Semiconductor design IP market is still doing good in 2018, with 6% growth year over year. It’s half the growth rate seen in 2017, 2016 and 2015 and the growth decline is imputable to bad results from ARM, the market leader, but also from Imagination (#4), MIPS… Read More

What to Expect from the GSA Executive European Forum?

What to Expect from the GSA Executive European Forum?
by Eric Esteve on 04-02-2019 at 7:00 am

I plan to attend to the GSA European Forum in Munich (April 15-16), so I first looked at the event description and at the impressive speakers list. In such event, the goal is at 50% to listen, and 50% to network with the speakers and the other attendant. The center of gravity is clearly semiconductor, but the event involved speakers … Read More

Menta eFPGA Conquer Eu Processor and 5G in China

Menta eFPGA Conquer Eu Processor and 5G in China
by Eric Esteve on 03-27-2019 at 12:00 am

During 2018, Menta looked quiet if you consider communication as the main indicator of activity. In fact, the eFPGA vendor was hyper-active in developing future business and reports two main design-win. The first is with the European Processor Initiative (EPI) and Menta has announced in December 2018 that it has been selected… Read More