New details on Altera network-on-FPGA

New details on Altera network-on-FPGA
by Don Dingee on 08-28-2014 at 4:00 pm

Advantages to using NoCs in SoC design are well documented: reduced routing congestion, better performance than crossbars, improved optimization and reuse of IP, strategies for system power management, and so on. What happens when NoCs move into FPGAs, or more accurately the SoC variant combining ARM cores with programmable… Read More

Opting for ARM software scalability

Opting for ARM software scalability
by Don Dingee on 08-26-2014 at 12:00 pm

Behind much of the success of ARM architecture is a scalable software model, where in theory the same code runs on the smallest member of the family to the largest. In practice, there are profiles, and a variety of hardware execution units, and resource constraints in low power scenarios that enter the picture. As a result, operating… Read More

Secure at any IoT deed

Secure at any IoT deed
by Don Dingee on 08-25-2014 at 3:00 pm

In his classic book “Unsafe at Any Speed”, Ralph Nader assailed the auto industry and their approach to styling and cost efficiency at the expense of safety during the 1960s. He squared up on perceived defects in the Chevrolet Corvair, but extended his view to wider issues such as tire inflation ratings favoring passenger comfort… Read More

USB 3.0 IP on FinFET may stop port pinching

USB 3.0 IP on FinFET may stop port pinching
by Don Dingee on 08-19-2014 at 5:00 pm

Sometimes a standard is a victim of its own success, at least for a while as the economics catch up to the technology. When a standard like USB 3.0 is announced, with a substantial performance increase over USB 2.0, some of the use cases come on board right away. Others, where vendors enjoy a decent ROI with good-enough performance,… Read More

Another debug view in the UVM Toolbox

Another debug view in the UVM Toolbox
by Don Dingee on 08-17-2014 at 1:00 am

One of the biggest endearing qualities of a debug environment for any type of coding is availability of multiple ways to accomplish a task. Whether the preference is keyboard shortcuts, mouse left-click drill-down and right-click pull-down menus, source code view, hierarchical class view, or graphical relationship view, … Read More

IBM thinks neural nets in chip with 4K cores

IBM thinks neural nets in chip with 4K cores
by Don Dingee on 08-08-2014 at 2:00 pm

Neural networks have been the darlings of researchers since the 1940s, but have eluded practical hardware implementations on all but a small scale, or an enormous one given how many processing elements and interconnects are needed. To make significant brain-like decisions, one needs at least several thousand fairly capable… Read More

Then, Python walked in for verification

Then, Python walked in for verification
by Don Dingee on 07-31-2014 at 12:00 am

Go ahead – type “open source” into the SemiWiki search box. Lots of recent articles on the IoT, not so many on EDA tools. Change takes a while. It has only been about five years since the Big Three plus Aldec sat down at the same table to work on UVM. Since then, Aldec has also gotten behind OS-VVM, and is now linked to a relatively new open… Read More

Wipe that smile off your device

Wipe that smile off your device
by Don Dingee on 07-30-2014 at 8:00 am

Privacy is a tough enough question when using a device – but what about when we’re done with it? In a world of two year service agreements with device upgrades and things being attached to long-life property like cars and homes, your data could fall into the hands of the next owner way too easily.

“Oh, it’s OK, I wiped the phone with a factory… Read More

End-to-end look at Synopsys ProtoCompiler

End-to-end look at Synopsys ProtoCompiler
by Don Dingee on 07-28-2014 at 9:00 pm

Usually, we get the incremental story in news: this new release is x percent better at this or that than the previous release, and so on. Often missing is the big picture, telling how the pieces all tie together. Synopsys took on that challenge in their latest FPGA-based prototyping webinar. … Read More

CEVA creating a wearable IP platform

CEVA creating a wearable IP platform
by Don Dingee on 07-25-2014 at 12:00 am

Processor and GPU cores usually get the limelight, driven by the ARM and Imagination machines occupying the center square of most SoC designs. CEVA has quietly been assembling DSP IP in most of the squares around the edge, and may have just reached critical mass for wearables and IoT devices.… Read More