Sigasi at the 2024 Design Automation Conference

Sigasi at the 2024 Design Automation Conference
by Daniel Nenni on 06-20-2024 at 2:00 pm

DAC 2024 Banner

Sigasi® will demonstrate its Sigasi Visual HDL™ (SVH™) portfolio during DAC, showing how it supports the shift-left methodology for chip design, catching specification errors early in the design cycle and fixing the inefficient HDL-based design flow.

The traditional HDL workflow cannot accommodate the massive amounts of… Read More

Something new in High Level Synthesis and High Level Verification

Something new in High Level Synthesis and High Level Verification
by Daniel Payne on 06-11-2024 at 10:00 am

catapult covercheck min

As SoC complexities continue to expand to billions of transistors, the quest for higher levels of design automation also rises. This has led to the adoption of High-Level Synthesis (HLS), using design languages such as C++ and SystemC, which is more productive than traditional RTL design entry methods. In the RTL approach there… Read More

The State of FPGA Functional Verification

The State of FPGA Functional Verification
by Daniel Payne on 02-15-2023 at 10:00 am

Design Styles min

Earlier I blogged about IC and ASIC functional verification, so today it’s time to round that out with the state of FPGA functional verification. The Wilson Research Group has been compiling an FPGA report every two years since 2018, so this marks the third time they’ve focused on this design segment. At $5.8 billion… Read More

Achieving Faster Design Verification Closure

Achieving Faster Design Verification Closure
by Daniel Payne on 02-01-2023 at 10:00 am

Questa Verification IQ min

On big chip design projects the logic verification effort can be larger than the design effort, taking up to 70% of the project time based on data from the 2022 Wilson Research Group findings. Sadly, the first silicon success rate has gone downwards from 31 percent to just 24 percent in the past 8 years, causing another spin to correct… Read More

Truechip’s DisplayPort 2.0 Verification IP (VIP) Solution

Truechip’s DisplayPort 2.0 Verification IP (VIP) Solution
by Kalar Rajendiran on 04-21-2022 at 10:00 am

Truechip TruEYE GUI

Integrating IP to build SoCs has been consistently on the rise. Growth in complexity and meeting time to market pressures are some primary drivers behind this phenomenon. Consequentially, the IP market segment has also been enjoying tremendous growth. While this is great news for chip design schedules, it does highlight the … Read More

The Roots Of Silicon Valley

The Roots Of Silicon Valley
by Malcolm Penn on 02-09-2022 at 6:00 am

The Roots of Silicon Valley


The transistor was successfully demonstrated on December 23, 1947, at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, the research arm of American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T).  The three individuals credited with its invention were William (Bill) Shockley Jr., the department head and group leader, John Bardeen… Read More

Formal Methods for Aircraft Standards Compliance

Formal Methods for Aircraft Standards Compliance
by Bernard Murphy on 09-15-2021 at 6:00 am

Avionics equipment min

When promoting adoption of formal methods in functional verification, there are two hurdles to overcome: one technical, the other people. The first is a comfortable and familiar challenge for us engineers. Take the course, pass the test, get the certificate. Very mechanical and deterministic. People on the other hand are non-deterministic… Read More

Verifications Horizons 2021, Now More Siemens

Verifications Horizons 2021, Now More Siemens
by Bernard Murphy on 09-08-2021 at 6:00 am

Aero DT min

In a discussion with Tom Fitzpatrick of Siemens EDA he recalled that their Verification Horizons newsletter started 17 years ago, back when they were Mentor. We’ve known about the Siemens acquisition for a while. The deal closed in March 2017, but it wasn’t until January 1, 2021 that the legal entity merger was complete. Which makes… Read More

Verifying PCIe 5.0 with PLDA, Avery and Aldec

Verifying PCIe 5.0 with PLDA, Avery and Aldec
by Bernard Murphy on 11-03-2020 at 6:00 am

little fish big fish min

Mike Gianfagna, a fellow SemiWiki blogger and a one-time colleague at Atrenta shared a useful piece of marketing advice. If your company is not the biggest fish in the pond and you want to appear more significant, team up with other companies to put on an event, say a webinar. Pick your partners so that you can jointly offer a larger,… Read More

Webinar: Static Verification for RISC-V Cores and SoCs

Webinar: Static Verification for RISC-V Cores and SoCs
by Daniel Nenni on 09-28-2020 at 6:00 am

Aldec RISC V Webinar SemiWiki 1

RISC-V has been trending ever since it landed on SemiWiki in 2016.  Even more so now that Arm is in flux with the Nvidia acquisition. Verification is a fast growing EDA challenge with the number of verification engineers steadily outpacing design, so this webinar is a best case scenario for SemiWiki traffic, absolutely.

Two thingsRead More