EDA Flows for 3D Die Integration

EDA Flows for 3D Die Integration
by Tom Dillinger on 07-20-2021 at 6:00 am

future integration


The emergence of 2.5D heterogeneous die integration using a silicon (or organic) interposer has enabled unique system architectures.  The term “More than Moore” has been used to describe the circuit density and cost advantages of leveraging multiple die in the package, the die potentially in different process technologies. … Read More

TECHTALK: Hierarchical PI Analysis of Large Designs with Voltus Solution

TECHTALK: Hierarchical PI Analysis of Large Designs with Voltus Solution
by Bernard Murphy on 03-03-2021 at 6:00 am

voltus min

Power integrity analysis in large chip designs is especially challenging thanks to the huge dynamic range the analysis must span. At one end, EM estimation and IR drop through interconnect and advanced transistor structures require circuit-level insight—very fine-grained insight but across a huge design. At the other, activity… Read More

Cadence Defines a New Signoff Paradigm with Tempus PI

Cadence Defines a New Signoff Paradigm with Tempus PI
by Mike Gianfagna on 07-20-2020 at 10:00 am

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Semiconductor technology advances have a way of rewriting the rule book. As process geometries shrink, subtle effects graduate to mainstream problems. Performance curves can become inverted. And no matter what else occurs, low power demands are constantly reducing voltage and design margins along with it. Sometimes these… Read More

A True Signoff for 7nm and Beyond

A True Signoff for 7nm and Beyond
by Alex Tan on 08-13-2018 at 12:00 pm

The Tale of Three Metrics
Meeting PPA (Performance, Power and Area) target is key to a successful design tapeout. These mainstream QoR (Quality of Results) metrics are rather empirical yet inter-correlated and have been expanded to be linked with other metrics such as yield, cost and reliability. While the recent CPU performance… Read More

A New Unified Power Solution at All Levels

A New Unified Power Solution at All Levels
by Pawan Fangaria on 08-13-2015 at 7:00 am

When situation demands, multiple solutions appear with a slight lag of time. Similar is the story with estimating and optimizing power at SoC level. In the SoC era, power has become a critical criterion long ago, and there are tools available for power analysis and optimization. However, with more mobile and IoT (Internet of Things)… Read More

Innovus: Cadence’s Next Generation Implementation System

Innovus: Cadence’s Next Generation Implementation System
by Paul McLellan on 03-11-2015 at 7:00 am

Yesterday was the first day of CDNLive. There were three keynotes. The first was by Lip-Bu Tan, Cadence’s CEO (and the Chairman of Walden International that he will be the first to remind you). The most interesting tidbit was that Cadence now has over 1000 people working on IP and that it represents 11% of their revenue. Then… Read More

Cadence Completes Power Signoff Solution with Voltus-Fi

Cadence Completes Power Signoff Solution with Voltus-Fi
by Paul McLellan on 08-15-2014 at 7:01 am

You probably remember Cadence introduced Voltus towards the end of last year at their signoff summit. This was aimed at digital designers. Prior to that they had announced Tempus, their static timing analysis tool. More recently they announced Quantus QRC extraction. All of these tools that end in -us have been re-architected… Read More

A Deeper Insight into Quantus QRC Extraction Solution

A Deeper Insight into Quantus QRC Extraction Solution
by Pawan Fangaria on 08-14-2014 at 7:00 pm

Last month Cadenceannounced its fastest parasitic extraction tool (minimum 5 times better performance compared to other available tools) which can handle growing design sizes with interconnect explosion, number of parasitics and complexities at advanced process nodes including FinFETs, without impacting accuracy of … Read More

Signoff Summit and Voltus

Signoff Summit and Voltus
by Paul McLellan on 11-22-2013 at 10:21 am

Yesterday Cadence had an all-day Signoff Summit where they talked about the tools that they have for signoff in advanced nodes. Well, of course, those tools work just fine in non-advanced nodes too, but at 20nm and 16nm there are FinFETs, double patterning, timing impacts from dummy metal fill, a gazillion corners to be analyzed… Read More

Signoff Summit: The Fastest Path to Design Signoff

Signoff Summit: The Fastest Path to Design Signoff
by Daniel Nenni on 11-13-2013 at 8:00 pm

Cadence’s Signoff Summit will be held next week, November 21 at Cadence in San Jose.

This is the first of a series of all-day Signoff Summits from Cadence that focus on the multiple facets of design signoff. This first summit will include keynote addresses plus sessions covering the multiple solution components that comprise… Read More