TSMC OIP Ecosystem Forum 2024 – China

TSMC OIP Ecosystem Forum 2024 – China
by Admin on 07-01-2024 at 3:05 pm


08:30 – 09:30

Registration & Ecosystem Pavilion

09:30 – 09:45

Welcome Remarks

09:45 – 10:15

TSMC Keynote

10:15 – 10:45

Coffee Break & Ecosystem Pavilion

TSMC Technical Talks

10:45 – 11:15
TSMC Technical Talk

OIP Partner Technical Talks

11:15 – 12:15
Partner Technical Session 1 to 3

12:15 – 13:30
Lunch & Ecosystem… Read More

On-Chip Sensors Discussed at TSMC OIP

On-Chip Sensors Discussed at TSMC OIP
by Tom Simon on 11-02-2021 at 10:00 am

phase noise correlation

TSMC recently held their Open Innovation Platform (OIP) Ecosystem Forum event where many of their key partners presented on their latest projects and developments. This year one of their top IP provider partners, Analog Bits, gave two presentations. Analog building blocks have always been necessary as enabling technology … Read More

Synopsys talks about their DesignWare USB4 PHY at TSMC’s OIP

Synopsys talks about their DesignWare USB4 PHY at TSMC’s OIP
by Tom Simon on 09-25-2020 at 6:00 am

USB4 operating modes

When USB initially came out it revolutionized how peripherals connect to host systems. We all remember when Apple did away with many separate connections for mouse, keyboard, audio and more with their first computers supporting USB. USB has continued to develop more flexibility and more throughput. In 2015 Apple again introduced… Read More

Top 10 Updates from the TSMC Technology Symposium, Part I

Top 10 Updates from the TSMC Technology Symposium, Part I
by Tom Dillinger on 03-22-2017 at 7:00 am

Last week, TSMC held their 23rd annual technical symposium in Santa Clara. In the Fall, TSMC conducts the OIP updates from EDA/IP partners and customers. The theme of the Spring symposium is solely on TSMC’s technology development status and the future roadmap. Indirectly, the presentations also provide insight into … Read More

When Talking About IoT, Don’t Forget Memory

When Talking About IoT, Don’t Forget Memory
by Tom Simon on 11-13-2015 at 7:00 am

Memory is a big enough topic that it has its own conference, Memcon, which recently took place in October. While I was there covering the event for SemiWiki.com I went to the TSMC talk on memory technologies for the IoT market. Tom Quan, Director of the Open Innovation Platform (OIP) at TSMC was giving the talk. IoT definitely has special… Read More

Cadence Outlines Automotive Solutions at TSMC OIP Event

Cadence Outlines Automotive Solutions at TSMC OIP Event
by Tom Simon on 10-08-2015 at 12:00 pm

I used to joke that my first car could survive a nuclear war. It was a 1971 Volvo sedan (142) that was EMP proof because it had absolutely no semiconductors in the ignition system, just points, condensers and a coil. If you go back to the Model T in 1915 you will see that the “on-board electronics” were not that different. However, today’s… Read More

New Sensing Scheme for OTP Memories

New Sensing Scheme for OTP Memories
by Paul McLellan on 09-22-2015 at 7:00 am

Last week at TSMC’s OIP symposium, Jen-Tai Hsu, Kilopass’s VP R&D, presented A New Solution to Sensing Scheme Issues Revealed.

See also Jen-Tai Hsu Joins Kilopass and Looks to the Future of Memories

He started with giving some statistics about Kilopass:

  • 50+ employees
  • 10X growth 2008 to 1015
  • over 80 patents (including
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TSMC OIP: What to Do With 20,000 Wafers Per Day

TSMC OIP: What to Do With 20,000 Wafers Per Day
by Paul McLellan on 09-17-2015 at 4:42 pm

Today it is TSMC’s OIP Ecosystem Innovation forum. This is an annual event but is also a semi-annual update on TSMC’s processes, investment, volume ramps and more. TSMC have changed the rules for the conference this year: they have published all the presentations by their partners/customers. Tom Quan of TSMC told… Read More

Ultra-Low Power Non-Volatile Memory Solutions for the Smart Connected Universe

Ultra-Low Power Non-Volatile Memory Solutions for the Smart Connected Universe
by Tom Simon on 06-01-2015 at 6:00 pm

DAC is a great place to gather information about products and technologies. However it can be difficult to chase down the information you need because you may need to cover a lot of ground to hear or talk to the people with the right knowledge. Fortunately there are a few places you can go to learn about a number of products at one place.… Read More

TSMC 10nm Readiness and 3DIC

TSMC 10nm Readiness and 3DIC
by Paul McLellan on 05-03-2015 at 1:00 am

At the TSMC Technology Symposium last month Suk Lee presented a lot of information on design enablement. Suk is an interesting guy with a unique background in ASIC, Semiconductor, EDA, and now Foundry. In baseball terms that would be like playing infield, outfield, home plate, and umpire!

Around the turn of the millennium Suk actually… Read More